How do you sleep ?

I sleep like a man. With a manly firearm next to me. In case any shit goes down, I can react like a man and shoot whatever it is. I'm a man. Awr Awr Awr.
I. Position
A) on your backside
B) on your tummy
C) on your side
D) all over the place ;)

A) Lights completely out (dark as a pocket)
B) Nightlight illuminated
C) Bright overhead florescent lights above your bed
D) Blacklights w/ glow painted artwork throughout walls & ceiling

Do tell ! :tongue:

Yourself?? Pray, do tell ;)

Will E Worm


Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Alone. :(

Sometimes BlueBalls sneaks in, but he only 'plays' with me a few hours (Sometimes it's just a few minutes even!) and then he leaves. Selfish ass!
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Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I lie on my side, but I need noise to sleep. I generally set the sleep timer on the TV or keep a fan on. Silence is too loud and it keeps me awake.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
I normally sleep on my back & on my left side...I got outa the habit of sleeping on my right side though as I used to keep waking up with a dead arm with no feeling in it whenever I slept on that side :( Not nice, especially when the feeling comes back after a long time of hurts like hell!!! :eek:


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
On my back in complete darkness, has to be cold in the room though to sleep.
On my stomach, pitch black, with a fan on. Silence is deafening.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
I fall asleep on my stomach, end up all over the place.

I like it to be pitch black but ONLY if my hubbys home, if he's in the field or something I usually sleep with the lights on :o

Oh & its never completely silent, it would be except he snores like theres no tomorrow lol

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Position (D)

Ambiance (A)

Fan going, open window, cold as possible, thunderstorms & rain a +. :thumbsup::2 cents::hatsoff:
I sleep on my right arm. With a fan blowing in my face. Sometimes I leave on some sirius dance-mix channel.