How do you sleep ?


I. Position
A) on your backside
B) on your tummy
C) on your side
D) all over the place ;)

A) Lights completely out (dark as a pocket)
B) Nightlight illuminated
C) Bright overhead florescent lights above your bed
D) Blacklights w/ glow painted artwork throughout walls & ceiling

Do tell ! :tongue:


Back and on the floor 90% of the time (my floor is wood). I stopped sleeping in a bed after I was experiencing back pain from lifting. Back pain left in less than a week after I started sleeping on floor. I had back pain for a few weeks before sleeping on the floor.

I prefer a dark/cold basement (no joke). I'm from Minnesota and I work outside (including winter), so I'm used to the cold. I normally sleep on the floor on my room which is cooler than my bed and the tv is sometimes on.
Tummy, backside and curled-up; dark as possible with window open, no matter how cold. (no side lamp on). :)

Nice thread :thumbsup:
On my side, usually spooning a king sized pillow, dark as possible! :)


I sleepon my tummy and side mostly and in complet darkness, with a .45 ACP in the drawer next to me.


I sleepon my tummy and side mostly and in complet darkness, with a .45 ACP in the drawer next to me.

I sleep with a .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle in my drawer next to me. It kind of bites though I can never get it out because my draw is 6 inches long. I don't know where the rest of the gun even goes. I reached in my drawer once and swear I felt snow.
I fall asleep on my right side but always wake up on my back.

And there's a light in the parking lot of my complex that keeps my bedroom from being pitchblack.


Will E Worm

Why do you want to know.

*Suspiciously looks around*

On my back. ;)


what the fuck you lookin at?
On my stomach, dark as possible. Fan on, window cracked open. Throw in a nice thunderstorm and I'm out like a light!
^^Thunderstorms are nice (at night, tucked up cosy in bed :thumbsup:


On my stomach, dark as possible. Fan on, window cracked open. Throw in a nice thunderstorm and I'm out like a light!

Identicle to me, even the storm part! Heavy rain always makes me tired.
I. I start out on my side, but eventually migrate to all over the place. All that with a whole bunch of snoring.

II. I can sleep just about anywhere. I have been known to fall asleep within arm's reach of the subs at the Warped Tour. Hell, some of the best sleep I've ever gotten was on a speaker wheel-board under the stage at Rock the Bells. :sleep: