How do you pick up chicks?

i disagree with the wingman concept, what if you want both girls?

You are distinguishing wingman from a double blind date right? If you have a true wingman...I don't see what would be the problem.:dunno:

The whole concept is that you have a someone to take one for the team if need be.
ahh ok i misunderstood then, so basically one of your buddies to talk to the other chicas so they don't feel left out. i can usually entertain a crowd on my own but i can see the usefullness. sounds like a wingman is a live prop... isnt that like using your friends?

No it's not. The point is for whatever reason if you hang around enough regular babes...they are just loathed to have one of their friends left to be a 3rd wheel if a guy happens upon them and takes a liking to one or the other.

In that case, many times the chicks will prefer to just hang with themselves and or accept being approached by the same number of guys...The wingman may not even have to come on to the other girl but just keep her company so girl "A" doesn't feel like friend "B" is being ignored..after all..they went where ever they are to have fun together.

Prop? Using? You still need to understand more about it if that's what you reduce it to...Certainly even a clown can entertain a crowd on his/her own...

More practical is the case the wingman is probably the less attractive guy of the two who ends up getting action because his good looking buddy gets him a seat at the table.:2 cents:
ahh ok i misunderstood then, so basically one of your buddies to talk to the other chicas so they don't feel left out. i can usually entertain a crowd on my own but i can see the usefullness. sounds like a wingman is a live prop... isnt that like using your friends?
Also its someone who knows the chicks and will introduce you to them , break the ice and let you take it form there, if im not mistaken?
Also its someone who knows the chicks and will introduce you to them , break the ice and let you take it form there, if im not mistaken?

Not that I've seen.

In the most basic sense...a wingman get action off of the buddy he hangs with.

Hence the reason it was brought in a thread asking how do you pick up're getting action as a wingman because your buddy is setting up the play.
The wingman doesn't necessarily have to take one for the team. It's a role that a person may take when a friend needs support with approaching potential partners. Yes sometimes the other girl might be ugly but the other girl can also be pretty.
Mega's right.

Say me and Mega are together at a bar. He see's a girl he likes and notices she has a friend. We'll approach them, he'll talk to the girl he likes, and I'll keep the other girl company so the friend can enjoy Mega's company...for the rest of the night. Ya dig? It's basically a friend who helps you get the girl you have your eyes on.

Picking up women is easy if you know how to keep a conversation. Just talk. You dont even have to be good looking. Don't make me put a picture of my ugly mug on here.


Hiliary 2020
yep, a wingman is there to keep one girl occupied while the other guy tries to fuck her friend.

here my method:
or hola como estas

and depending on the response i get i act appropriately.

just say hi, thats all, then be cool, charming and funny at the same time.

if that doesnt work there's always hubba hubba or hey good lookin whats cookin.
or if your driving by in a car you say hey good looking be back to pick you up later in your mr. mic, like this hippy did:

I don't pick women up. They come to me. Kind of a pain in the ass sometimes. Sure beats going without though.