How do you keep going after you cum?

I once fucked a girl I was so obsessed with i climaxed 3 times before shutting down, the flip side to that was I woke up around 4 hours later and she was gone - and pissed off.
its easier to just say hey your a guy - and eat her/play with her afterwards, to much energy to go it multiple times.
either that do what i've been doing which is desperation sex with who ever is available - takes me over 20 minutes to cum. - LOL
(yes my life sucks)
i know what the OP means though, i have had many long sessions where i want to keep on jerking as long as possible, just before i cum i think that i will just keep on jacking to get back to that amazing feeling of being on the edge again, but it never happens. Just enjoy cumming then wait a bit before going again, thats the only way for me


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Those Hot Pockets take too long to microwave. May as well put that time to some good use.
Wrap your penis with sandpaper the second time, do it as soon as you cum, and start pumping. The extra friction will get you hard as a diamond in an ice storm.

Good luck!

Mr Dragon

king of freeones
Wanna know how to do it..... use this stuff called mineral ice as lube. It comes in a blue jar and I just heard about this today so let me know if it works. Plus you won't find it near any of the lube stuff. Ask for it by name. If not try ben-gay.


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
I think this thread calls for Andy Samberg, Jorma Taccone, and Akiva Schaffer... aka The Loney Island

Fixed. :)


knows petras secret: she farted.
dave told me that there are guys like that at the gloryhole and they can just keep going. he showed me one video where a guy came three times in about 10 minutes! i've never had one of those before. most guys are one and done but that's fine.

yeah. ive pulled off a double a few times but when you have chicks like shelby and proxy on the other end, i can see why.
dave told me that there are guys like that at the gloryhole and they can just keep going. he showed me one video where a guy came three times in about 10 minutes! i've never had one of those before. most guys are one and done but that's fine.

isis taylor has a video where she jerks a guy off 3 times in like 7 mintutes and he doesnt even make a sound once. i was like WTF.