I almost always think to myself that i will just keep jerking off after i cum but when it actually happens i lose all my sex drive and can't get started again for like 20 minutes.
I have a question.
Why? Why would you want to continue fapping after you busted that nut?
Get help?
I do sometimes, but sometimes I don't. I recommend hydrating, and staying lubed up, but sometimes it just won't work. If you keep reading or watching, sometimes that helps as well.
why would you say this? would you not want to keep going if you cum during sex and your partner wants to continue? i know i do.
Get help as in assistance from someone else....
are you volunteering?
Depends, are you a hairy overweight gay midget?
because when i'm horny before i cum i always feel like i can go twice. then after i cum i can't do it anymore. i know that many guys can so i was wondering how
u dont u just eat her out or use a toy omg
nice sig.
u dont u just eat her out or use a toy omg