How do you keep going after you cum?

I almost always think to myself that i will just keep jerking off after i cum but when it actually happens i lose all my sex drive and can't get started again for like 20 minutes.


knows petras secret: she farted.
it helps if you punch it. like really hard.

it jumpstarts the nerves and exfoliates as it heals.


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I do sometimes, but sometimes I don't. I recommend hydrating, and staying lubed up, but sometimes it just won't work. If you keep reading or watching, sometimes that helps as well.


knows petras secret: she farted.
picture it.

men. that can keep going and dont lose interest after they came.

go ahead. take a second and think about it.
because when i'm horny before i cum i always feel like i can go twice. then after i cum i can't do it anymore. i know that many guys can so i was wondering how

But why would you want to? Who jerks off and continues doing it after they finish? You don't keep eating once your full. Who are you trying to impress? Yourself? Yaaaa. I just came twice!!! Go me!!!

Now if you're nailing your lady friend and you want to cum twice, that's easy. About 10 seconds after you cum, have her spin the middle topwise. It'll keep you hard and you'll be able to keep going until you cum again.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Guys having multiple orgasms next thing you know you'll want blow job giving robots in every room of your rocket house!