How do you initiate sex?

'nice shoes wanna fuck?' lol that is a classic :p
I dont know where or how to start.[/QUOTE]

Well, actually, that is a pretty good opening line for your date.
she'll take pity on you and show you what to do and what goes where..:thumbsup:
On a serious note, just kiss her passionately, and it should come naturally, if you are both into eachother. Thats my best advice.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I hit her with club, drag back to cave, have sex with her on bearskin rug.


Get out of cave! Leave beer and pizza!
i have this lil spinny disk that i use on my gf just before bedtime and then she is up for anything. but when she wants something special from me she has trhis brain scramblin' device that she keeps under her clothing ...