How do YOU enter the shower?


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It's already hot when I turn it on. I heat it up by staring the shower head down.

Elwood I've loved your signature girl for the longest time. Just wanted to throw that in there.

And as for me: Well I simply enter the shower one foot at a time, once the right & desired tempature I have turned it to has been reached. :)
I enter the cubicle, detach the head, aim to to the floor, turn the water on, once its warm reattach it and shower. HA!
I just jump in the creek right beside our house! :eek: (That's me between October and May) That's what's hardcore!!:nanner:
Guess I am a faggot! Don't like water that is scalding or freezing on my naked body! :dunno:
I guess I'm super hardcore because I sometimes don't just turn on the water, I intentionally turn on the cold water.

An icy shower.
Nah. Just gives you shrinkage for the day :cool:

Meh... Speak for yourself. Cold water does nothing to my cock size or length, but it does make it as hard as an iron bar.

This is stupid. I don't shower.

That's more like it - like a hardcore CAVEman!! :mad::glugglug::mad:

I take baths. Am I hardcore?

Hmmm..... do you use any bubble bath foam or soothing salts or anything???

A bath of cold kerosene (with bits of broken glass in it) would certainly be hardcore, though!

:2 cents:
showers? i live by the lake. i just take my soap and towel and bathe in the lake. and sometimes you can feel the fishys nibble on your pee pee. bath time!