Find a naked picture of Burt Reynolds and awkwardly resize it. GOLD!
Thanks dirk, you answered my question while trying to offend me (failed miserably btw) at the same time, that's talent. :thumbsup:
Both Andronicus and HeartBroker make sigs for people (when they have time). Contact one of those guys, and see if they'll make you one.
Alternatively, just take a picture of your penis, and use that. It can only be a pretty small picture, so it might be possible to have your penis fill the entire space.
Hope that helps!
Good job. Fag.
Find a naked picture of Burt Reynolds and awkwardly resize it. GOLD!
I aim to please. Fag.
Oh what was that? You like it in the ass?
Lurking Dirk,
welcome back to work,
you fucking goddamned jerk
and I say this w/ a smirk
so don't go and get all butt hurt.
Dammit. How did you decipher my code?
ARy only makes sigs for himself and Alex. And Hearty has no time anymore.Both Andronicus and HeartBroker make sigs for people (when they have time). Contact one of those guys, and see if they'll make you one.
Alternatively, just take a picture of your penis, and use that. It can only be a pretty small picture, so it might be possible to have your penis fill the entire space.
Hope that helps!