How Different Would America be Today if the CSA Won?

Are you smoking crack?

The American people have a built in peaceful revolt that takes place every four years. What happens? A large percentage cant be bothered to stop watching American Idol long enough to participate.

And those who do mindlessly vote either Republicans or Democrats into office.

So you are telling me that these same Americans who cant be bothered to separate ass from couch to drive on the world's finest highways to punch a video screen button are now going to revolt against the most powerful military on the planet? Bullshit.

Lots of ways to get change in this nation. Thats not one of them.

I don't think that's completely fair. I think most of what makes people apathetic and disheartened is the fact they see a situation where there isn't really anything they can do...and they are more or less right. It's not that they don't care about the political system as much as there is no good choices even if they were to suddenly get very active in it. There is only so much people can be crushed under the heals of the elite and the system designed to work against them until they just don't give a damn anymore and they quit caring. At best they can only get off their couches and drive our highly overrated, run down, inefficient road system to choice the very slightly lesser of two evils (or maybe three or four evils if they are lucky). Only the most resolute among the populace can continually ponder on against a battle that has become a lost cause, or at least that's how most people see it. It's not fair to say they don't care as much as they don't think caring will be able to fix anything. When they do care it's pretty much for purely selfish reasons anymore.

We don't have a built in revolt every four years, we have a system that has been corrupted to the point we can at best just exchange one group of people with another that aren't that different.
How Different Would America be Today if the CSA (Cosby Show Actors) Won?

Theo would be the cock-o'-the-walk!
Says the man with the confederate flag avatar

thats not fair to him dude. the Battle Flag is a very debatable thing.

on one side people think it stands for racism and bigotry.

on the other side, people think it stands for tradition, honor, and a fight for independence by a people who didn't like what they were seeing in the Union.

personally i like to think of it in the latter, although i dont support what the Confederates did.

think what you will of the flag, but flying said flag does not automatically make someone a racist. if im not mistaken, the guy hasnt even shared a single comment that would make me think he is.
lol, I'm the racist here.

Less athletic than black people and untalented are 2 different things. I meant the 1st, you said the latter.

Thats the WNBA you are thinking about.

yes. you are a racist. you are a racist because I said so. thats why. besides, your comments are racist in themself. sayinf that only your people can do something is racist.
thats not fair to him dude. the Battle Flag is a very debatable thing.

on one side people think it stands for racism and bigotry.

on the other side, people think it stands for tradition, honor, and a fight for independence by a people who didn't like what they were seeing in the Union.

personally i like to think of it in the latter, although i dont support what the Confederates did.

think what you will of the flag, but flying said flag does not automatically make someone a racist. if im not mistaken, the guy hasnt even shared a single comment that would make me think he is.

If it is not racist then tell me why i have seen various neo nazi and other fucktard racist groups in germany and other places flying that flag

alongside other nazi parafernalia hmmmm?

No european person or anyone else not from the south could have no other reason to fly that flag other than what i said.

not everyone who flies that flag is a racist but every racist i have seen has flown that flag.

swish:cool: Score one 4 the Z-man