My username was passed on to me by my father, and his father before him, and his father before him, and then some form of urnial cake stamped with "LukeEl" on it was were his father came up with the name.
my first user name was because i finished my calculus exam early enough to find out what words could be made with a calculator... my last name was one. but that was a bit too confusing, so i changed it to Mr. Numb3rs
well , i guess it's obvious how i came up with mine ... lol ... but my first photographer that me and my then boyfriend worked together with for a demo kinda came up with it. I liked the ring of the name and went with it
I've had my username since junior high. It's a combination of the RED HOT Chili Peppers, the GORILLAz, and the Presidents of the USA. Those were three of my favorite bands at the time.
It started with "If god did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him", a quote by Voltaire. I was thinking about it and let my fantasy take over. To make a very long story short, it was like actually making a god, hence the god's embryo.