How did you come up with your username?

In respect to someone i know is where mines comes from. :)
One day I looked down and noticed my dick was big and a little while later noticed it was black. I thought about it for a while and decided to go with it.
My username comes from Kraftwerk ( ) and also Dredwerkz (one of my favourite Quake 3 Arena maps). When i was registering, i realised that i need a futurist and also retro name and then i made up Funkwerkz (i also dropped "y" from "funky"). You can see that i love electronic music (not techno).

FreeOnes girls make "funky-werkz" so do i. :D
spontaneously... you know, there are so many places in the internet where you have to register, that many times I fill that registration forms without using brains too much, just automatically. maybe subconsciously all that usernames and passwords have got some hidden meaning, and it might be an intersting subject for psychoanalysis, but since I am not a psychiatrist, I can only say that no special meaning was intended.
My name is Stephen
I was 20 when i signed up
And i am from the glorious United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland
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Clever play on words, referring to the most beautiful thing in the world :)


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!
I was a big fan of this song Stormrider of the band Iced Earth and I was going to put this as my nick but I liked more and still like StormRuller better!!
It has to do with my love of chicken feet.
Some consider garlic to be a very pungent, raw, and offensive substance, which it can be. But so many people love it with a passion. Kinda paralllels porn's existence.

p.s. I also love garlic :)