How come religious women seem to date non-religious men?


Official Checked Star Member
because they want to convert them

this. exactly.

Women ALREADY want to change the men they're with, and when they're religious, it increases tenfold. Christians tend to feel the need to "save" people around them. Trust me, my family has been working on saving me for two decades.
In my experiences women that are pretty religious lose interest pretty fast in a guy that doesn't share the same passion or beliefs as them. Some try to influence the guy to become more active in the religious life and others just move on to someone else


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Because have you ever met a hardcore Christian who doesn't respect women and treats them as pieces of shit?
Back in 2000, my last GF was VERY religious and I had no room for religion. I was livin' la vida loca, clubbing, partying, drinking (not as much as nowadays though), and of course she dragged me to church.

Of course, it's been over for a long time and I don't regret breakin up with her.

But now I have a friend who is a pastor who has introduced me to some of his single congregants (I guess as bait to get me to go to his church) and I guess because I'm not religious they prefer to stay away. One of them actually told me that was the reason she didn't want to be more than just friends :(


Closed Account
This is shallow...but if she's religious and hot as hell who cares? I'd go to church in the morning and freak her once we get home...She can play with herself while she's reading the gospel according to Luke for all I care because deepdown she's a religious freaknik.

The Lord is good.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Atheists fuck better. We don't have little hang ups, like we are going to anger some imaginary guy by spilling our seed. And, because we are more interested in only spreading our seed, we make sure she enjoys herself, as well.
If you decide to turn your nose up on a healthy relationship due to someone's religious background is quite bigoted, IMO.

Or a lay, haha.
Because they like a project - turning a heathen into a good, religious upstanding citizen. Sometimes it actually works. Sometimes the woman gets corrupted. Usually, nobody changes.

Will E Worm

A real Christian woman will only date another Christian.

2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV)
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?


Staff member
the real reason is there just isn't enough really religious guys to go around. point blank. it's just like when they say "they are enough good guys to marry" or "all the good guys are married or taken" etc. shortage of preference leads you to go with something less desirable. i definitely don't think they want to 'change' someone and hence forgo actual religious men. it's really just a matter of shortage of the type they like so they realize their biological clock is ticking and decide that they can't be so picky anymore.