How can you even watch "regular" porn?

People like watching porn because they like sex and it boost their sex drive or their fantasies. Every person has different sex fantasies and loves a specific fetish. This is what makes porn so much enjoyable. To each their own. Never mix your own personal private life with what is in porn movies. In porn movies, those are adult performers paid to have sex on scenes and give audience fun.
You're not straight either.. at least BIsexual since your arousal results from seeing women AND men, something you would pretty much never see when you have sex. When you add jerking off, you're much closer to the homosexual side since you're literally stroking a penis to get and stay erect and to ejaculate. Using a flashlight and humping it would be the only way the act would not be homosexual.
Judge if you want, but you're giving me a boner.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I don't see how you can compare a girl in school, I might like, to a girl in a video, I choose to watch fuck someone. I don't want anything more from the girl in the video. But the girl in school might be someone I feel a connection to....although if we were in a situation where I was watching someone else fuck her, I wouldn't probably want much more from her then that either. I also think if your brain is trying this hard to boil it down, you might have to rethink watching porn at all.

Connor Macleod

Staff member
The bigger picture is that it's abnormal to be aroused by losing access to reproduction, cause that's what sex ultimately is, but disregarding that my point is that the vast majority of people that watch "regular" porn would NOT want to be next to some people fucking while they jerk off in the same room AND they would not be ok with seeing someone they are interested in (even if a one night stand with a random new person) get fucked in front of them.

The bigger picture is that it's abnormal to be aroused by losing access to reproduction, cause that's what sex ultimately is, but disregarding that my point is that the vast majority of people that watch "regular" porn would NOT want to be next to some people fucking while they jerk off in the same room AND they would not be ok with seeing someone they are interested in (even if a one night stand with a random new person) get fucked in front of them

But you are not that guy, and even less so when in case of IR, when it's blatantly obvious that you're the observer.

You can have whatever desires you want, that doesn't make them normal or good. I have a tendency to smell a second time something that smells foul and catches me off guard. It's absurd but i'm not going to stand here and argue it's not.

Yes, by all means being a cuckold IS lame. That's part of the "shtick". The problem is that most men think they are not but by watching porn that's exactly what they are. The have 100% the perspective of the cuck. Watching solo women or virtual pov would not fall in this category as there is no other man involved, it's just you and the actress.

If you have that link share it, i am in fact very interested to see that discussion.

You can't have an interest in the lady and ignore the man. He is there and you see and hear him.

You're not straight either.. at least BIsexual since your arousal results from seeing women AND men, something you would pretty much never see when you have sex. When you add jerking off, you're much closer to the homosexual side since you're literally stroking a penis to get and stay erect and to ejaculate. Using a flashlight and humping it would be the only way the act would not be homosexual.

If you were single in college and you'd like a particular girl (as in want to have sex with you), would you be ok with seeing another man fuck her? It's not about the degree of closeness but rather than your interest in her.
I read questionss comments, and good grief, what is going on in your head!

You obviously don't understand psychology. For centuries, the church (and later society in general) conditioned men to think that women are chaste and pure, the direct opposite of men.

Because of this, many men felt a strong desire to prove that notion was wrong. Our society has evolved, but some of these old "ideas" still remain. For most, sex is about fantasy, not reality. Porn is popular because people want an escape from what their sex life has become.

Cosplay is very popular these days, especially with women. Does this mean these people are "unbalanced" in some way. Of course not.

As for "IR", the reason it's popular goes back to the medieval thinking of "chaste and pure", where an interracial union was considered the antithesis of all that was right. To some degree, that thinking still exists. As such, those watching it are not doing it because they are envious of a "big black cock", they watch it because of the stupid notion that it's the ultimate taboo.

As for your notions about "reproduction", :ROFLMAO:.

This is more medieval thinking. There are some men who hate condoms, because they want to "mark their territory" (so to speak). And, the ultimate "mark" is to impregnate a woman, having their progeny growing inside her.

As for your other notions, people in the same room while you have sex, so what. There are those who are dominate, and those who are submissive. There are those who enjoy pee play, or scat, or toys, or god knows what. So what. If my next door neighbor wants to be a cuckold, go ahead. It's not going to affect my life.

The world is diverse in many ways, and sex is no different. If not for the diversity, life would be dull as fuck and suicide would be the leading cause of death.

How could you possibly think that watching heterosexual porn makes someone gay? If that were true, our society would grind to a halt from a lack of newborn children.

Given all your comments, I'm inclined to believe that you were raised in a very repressive, possibly very religious household. If you're okay with that, great. But, your comments are also very judgemental, implying that most of the world is wrong in how they live their lives. That is really sad. :cry:


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
You'll notice the ghost writer OP has not been around since he pretty much created this topic. Last time was after Adam's post. Eventually it will end up toward the back of the FreeOnes Talk Forum on page 1307 or some place like that. Never to be heard of ever again.

Let's keep it in the forest. Buried under a rock. :)
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