How big it-s yours?! :D


Leah's Biggest Fan!
Ahh I see what you were getting at before, forgive my lack of foresight before. I may or may not be drunk or high, one of the two but at the moment I really can differentiate between them.

That's ok! I tried to put it in caps and quotes so you'd get it, but when I posted, it changed the caps to lower case letters! Bah!!!!!:)
605GB of porn videos.

collected since '04.

its a large amount becaues after watching a video 2-3 times it just gets boring and i need new material constantly.
A bunch of DVDs and a varying amount on my HD. Maybe 2-3gb?
6 DVD's, 30 gigs of scenes, and about 10 gigs of pictures. Awesome, I know :)