Hotel to sue Rape victim

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Well, the woman sued the Hotel first, it sounds as if they are just counter-suing in response. Seems like a standard practice to me. Neither one of them has a case, in my opinion.

Will E Worm

They are just trying to cover their...:booty: Blame the victim. :nono:

The guy is only serving twenty years. :rolleyes:

Death would have been too good for him, but it would have been better than paying for him to live.
That's terrible that it happened, especially in front of her kids. But, I really don't think the hotel could of prevented it. Hopefully they had security guards/cameras, but what else could they do? Good to see the asshole is in prison now.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
First of all, what exactly is the hotel suing the woman for? Like, what's the allegation? Secondly...

The hotel's lawyers were responding to a lawsuit claiming the hotel failed to prevent the 2006 attack. is what she went through the hotel's fault? :dunno: That's like suing Ford because you got a speeding ticket - I mean, they allowed the car to go 140MPH, so, technically, they didn't prevent you from speeding. People are fucking ridiculous.
That's terrible that it happened, especially in front of her kids. But, I really don't think the hotel could of prevented it. Hopefully they had security guards/cameras, but what else could they do? Good to see the asshole is in prison now.

do you know how much private security cost? it aint cheap, but cameras are a must for the safety of your customers. You only have to pay for the camera once. but then hopefully you have an attentive viewer and not someone who just lets the camera record while the moniter is off.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
It's sad that it happened, horrible really, but I don't know why she is suing the hotel. I mean I could understand if it happened in the hotel lobby and no one did anything to stop it or something.. but I mean even if there were cameras in the garage it doesnt mean they would be able to see what was going on.. It's sad and it sucks but neither partys should be sued imho..


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Why was she suing the hotel in the first place? Because that has become the American Dream. Cash in on tragedy.

Now, if the hotel didn't act after there were tons of complaints of the guy least by calling the police...then I can see that they have some liability to their customer. Otherwise it was a terrible case of wrong place at the wrong time.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I do think the Hotel is responsible, they should have security especially if its an enclosed parking garage for hotel customers, if it was a city parking garage or a open parking lot, I could see some issues about the hotel being responsible, but if this garage is enclosed & only for hotel customers it should be safe for hotel customers from the second they exit their vehicles, to the moment they arrive safely in their rooms & vice versa IMHO. :2 cents:

p.s. I don't think the hotel has any case against the woman, what?, she's responsible cuz has too, or should have hired security to travel with her & her kids if she has no other choice? since when did it become illegal to travel with your kids if you have too? :rolleyes:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
When I glanced at the thread title I almost immediately thought it was some horror story out of Saudi Arabia or Iran. Sadly, no. Sad that it could happen anywhere, let alone the good ol' USA. I hope both lawsuits are thrown out for being a frivolous waste of time.
Good! Fucking bitch deserved it!!!! :mad:

I mean come on, look at her just walking around being a woman . . . pffft . . . it's just not right, it's not natural!
It;s disgusting this happened to her. And, i think the scumbag should fucking die, as prison is too good for him.

That said, does anyone have a case here? I doubt it...


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
The basic problem is the amount of money the hotels would have to pay for complete coverage of the garageand the personell that could instantly rush out and actually handle a man with a gun.

If the hotels would try to grant this, would the guests be willing to pay that amount of money?

No, they would head for a cheaper hotel.

That does not mean she is directly to be blamed for the crime that takes place.

But if you go for better hotels that aren't that cheap or 'reasonable priced', you will not only stay better, but you will stay safer.