Hot Trannies (ID's Needed)



Does anybody know these girls? Please tell me!! :bowdown:
I love the first one too...I'm trying to find out the names, just the first one would be great, I'd love to see a video.


her name is Jim Jones. wait I mean Abby Adams. Wait, fuck is it a girl or a guy? I am coufused, seriously who is greedy enough to have a cock and tits?
Yeh, She's very hot...I like her tiny little cock ^-^. It's very cute. I'm glad you found out who she was though, I like this set, I just don't know which others I'll like.
Thanks. Idk, I still like the one set I got that picture from the best. There's something about the pic I had made her look stunning, now she don't look that great, Idk what it is.

Know who the other one is, or didn't like her that much?