Hot or Not?

Peter Gazinya said:
NOT. Dogface, are u sure it's not a guy? And get of Zoech's case for not knowing the Greek alphabet. NOBODY knows the fucking Greek alphabet. Hell, hardly anyone knows Greece even exists so stay off his shit you mental midgets.

Sort'a agree with ya there, looks a bit GenderChallenged there!
why did you make the same thread with a diff title?.

Yes, she is hot.
Is a frog's ass watertight?

Does a wild bear shit in the woods?

Does the water ripple when a duck farts?
Who's the girl in the second picture?


what the fuck you lookin at?
Who's the girl in the second picture?

no doubt a different chick. But the one in the rest of the pictures has some asian in her and I'm biased toward asian chicks so of course she's fuckin hot! Who she be????


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
:hit: Who is the girl?