Hot Brunette, great tits ID?

ericborc said:
i can see it now! she's hot alright

Wait, I get the 404 Error, too.


Staff member
it is said on the page julianna taylor and szilvia is taht wrong :confused:
georges said:
it is said on the page julianna taylor and szilvia is taht wrong :confused:
That is not wrong, just the wrong Szilvia I think. There are a million girls that have went by that name. Maybe she has another name or that is the only shoot she has done. The only one I could come up with that even resembles her under that name is Szilvia Stena, aka Sylvia Stena, and there is not much on her at all that I could find. Here is a movie cover with her on it. She is on the far right and the bottom. Do you think there is a resemblence?