Horse carriage rides in NYC to be banned.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
One nut Mayor leaves and another takes his place. NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio is on a campaign to replace the hansom cab rides through Central park with...retro-shaped electric cars. The arguments are simply ridicules. The horses' living and health conditions are very well monitored. The city medallions them just like taxis. He argues safety and traffic issues. How much safer would a car driving through the park be safer than a horse? Out in traffic? If you can't see a fucking horse in your lane then you shouldn't be driving a car.

The fact is that it is a legitimate business that is regulated. One of the most romantic trips you will ever take. Most of these horses would be sold off to meat processing plants if not given the opportunity to do a job.


That is just wrong in my opinion. I lived in NY for a couple of years during my school years and the carriage rides we took were more than a novelty, they were memories we will share and talk about for the rest of our lives. I hope the decision will be repealed to allow anyone who wants to experience the same wonderful memories to do so...

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
It's just more of the nanny state mentality progressives are pushing for. The insidiousness of the PC mentality and its perpetrators attempts to gradually take over every aspect of daily life and freedoms cannot be exaggerated. But, the people of NYC voted and they're getting the government they deserve. Alec Baldwin should be thrilled.


One nut Mayor leaves and another takes his place. NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio is on a campaign to replace the hansom cab rides through Central park with...retro-shaped electric cars. The arguments are simply ridicules. The horses' living and health conditions are very well monitored. The city medallions them just like taxis. He argues safety and traffic issues. How much safer would a car driving through the park be safer than a horse? Out in traffic? If you can't see a fucking horse in your lane then you shouldn't be driving a car.

The fact is that it is a legitimate business that is regulated. One of the most romantic trips you will ever take. Most of these horses would be sold off to meat processing plants if not given the opportunity to do a job.

Hey, now, bobjustbob...puppies gotta eat too.

I lived in N'Orlins for many years, and loved the carriages and the horses.
Knew a few was safer than riding a bike by far...and way more fun. Is NY Libtard De Blasio outlawing skates, scooters, and bikes soon"


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
It's not just the carriage rides around the park these people do. They rent out for weddings, TV, movies, sleigh rides, etc. The stable areas are on the shitty west side of Manhattan that has been a haven for drugs and hookers for decades. But developers have been moving in since land is scarce. One of the developers helped De Blasio with his campaign. I know that everything can be traced to money but don't sell me this "for the protection of the horses" campaign shit.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The insidiousness of the PC mentality and its perpetrators attempts to gradually take over every aspect of daily life and freedoms cannot be exaggerated.

QFT. :clap:

But just remember that PC takes many forms and infects both extremes of political ideology. IMO, political correctness (in all its evil forms) is the enemy of a free thinking society.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I actually know someone that was killed when his car struck a horse that broke free of the carriage...the horse caved in the roof, and crushed him.
I was searching on You Tube for the Good Fella's scene where the line is delivered, "Its a fucking shame".

Instead I found the following clip. So, it made me change my comment. This guy aint New York. He has doesn't have New York soul. He is another politician who buys he votes by giving things away. He may or may not have his bleeding heart in the right place. When the chips are down, this is not the mayor I would trust to make the tough choices.

Now...the first thing to pop up on You Tube IS New York. This guy has soul. Its all about soul.



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
They just won't stop. Now they have their smoking gun. Police reports discovered 25 accidents since 2009. 14 of them hit and run.

One claimed a horse stopped suddenly and another car rear ended him. How fucking fast was this horse going? Another claimed a horse broke his back window. With what, a rock? Another reported that the horse hit her car as she was making a turn. Horses have pretty good eyesight since their eyes are on the sides of their heads. 25 accidents in 5 years and 1.5 million rides. Find me any NYC transportation vehicle that could claim such safety and that includes ferries.


Closed Account
They just won't stop. Now they have their smoking gun. Police reports discovered 25 accidents since 2009. 14 of them hit and run.

One claimed a horse stopped suddenly and another car rear ended him. How fucking fast was this horse going? Another claimed a horse broke his back window. With what, a rock? Another reported that the horse hit her car as she was making a turn. Horses have pretty good eyesight since their eyes are on the sides of their heads. 25 accidents in 5 years and 1.5 million rides. Find me any NYC transportation vehicle that could claim such safety and that includes ferries.

First I agree with you, banning it is rather stupid, but just a question on your post. Don't they use blinders on these horses? Every Amish I know uses them when on the road to stop peripheral vision, and make the horse easy to control in traffic. It is possible to ride a horse in traffic without them, but just useing reigns would be a bitch. Even when doing field work most people use blinders when using teams.

As someone who used to work with horses I'm just curious if the carriage drivers trust their horses that much not to spook with full vision. Sorry for off topic.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I can't remember having seen one without them. I do know that some are worn tight and some are wider.