I wrote "grizzle" instead of "grizzly" and "error" instead of "era". I hate that. I blame the rum.
Thanks and, you're right, I totally left out the fact that Danielle Harris is in it. I was a bit bummed to see that she was portraying a pregnant woman in the movie though.
I heard that she's in Hatchet 2. I also heard that she's kind of awful in it. I wasn't a fan of the first one, but I'll check out the sequel when it hits Netflix Instant. I'm curious to see what a "bad" Danielle Harris performance looks like. She was the ONLY good thing about Zombie's Halloween II.
she will be in the 3rd hatchet as well...
theres some plot holes in hatchet 2, so if you can get past that itll make it better. but if you didnt like the first to begin with, i honestly doubt youd like the sequel.
and as a side note, theres nothing wrong with rum. :glugglug: