Now I already knew this, but I'd like to be the first one on here to say I'm interested. I am someone who likes to see a remake. Some are good, some are bad, some are better (it's all your opinion). I don't get why people bash shit before they see it. The best I've heard is "it ruins the original." No, it doesn't. If you don't like it, go back and watch the original, that's what I do. I like to wait and see what it's like before jumping on the hate train instead of pretending I have a crystal ball.
Some remakes that I thought were better than their predecessors:
Last House on the Left
The Amityville Horror (That's right, because the first one absolutely raped the book,which I am a huge fan of. Whereas at least the remake just used the characters and made it's own spin and never tried to be like the book. Not to mention the acting. Even when the movie was panned by certain critics, Reynolds was highly praised.)
On par with original:
Friday the 13th (It encompassed a few of the first Friday the 13ths and was all what they were about. I saw complaints that Jason "ran." Well surprise, he ran in at least part 2 and 3 of the original series as well. The whole series is teens fucking and getting killed. That's what it gave! What more did people want?).
Black Christmas
Nightmare on Elm Street (My favorite horror series of all time. I was on board with everything I was seeing and when I went to the theatres and saw Jackie Earle Haleys first appearance as Freddy I looked at my then g/f and asked "Can we leave now?" We didn't, but what a terrible movie. The third worst I have ever seen).
Prom Night (No blood? PG-13? Seriously?)
Quarantine (I know it was only made shortly after [
Rec], but there was no need. It might have been alright as it's own movie, but not in comparison to the spanish original).
These are just my opinions, when it comes to movies no one is right or wrong. But I'll watch the Poltergeist remake and hope that it's good. If not, oh well
Btw Mr. Num3ers, thanks for not spoiling the
Exorcist 3 hallway scene. I've just seen all over boards everywhere it's really good. I guess I have to see and judge for myself!