Hooters Waitress Told To Lose Weight


Official Checked Star Member
i think its the other way around. this girl is crying over something she clearly knew all along. hooters hires their waitresses as models so they have a right to critique you on your looks. so tough luck to girl

If they hire waitresses to be models...then they obviously don't do a good job because there are alot of FUGLY girls working at hooters. Its funny how they're discriminating on what is MAYBE 5-10lbs that this girl needs to lose (which really could only take two exlax tabs and a good shit to get rid of) , yet they can hire girls who have ugly faces and no personality. I've been to the Hooters here and have seen girls bigger than this girl in question, girls with smaller tits than mine (and I'm small) and girls who are nasty as hell.

Sorry, but this girl who is pretty, at a healthy weight...is getting treated unfairly. If the company is going to threaten her with job loss, then they better to an inventory check on all their stores and get rid of the rest of the fatter, uglier waitresses first.
It's very expensive to bring a lawsuit to court in America. She could mount an effective defense and bring about a ton of negative publicity upon Hooters, and probably get them to cave and settle with her....

She needs to hire F Lee Bailey, the lawyer who beat a DUI wrap...:thumbsup:
She could mount an effective defense and bring about a ton of negative publicity upon Hooters, and probably get them to cave and settle with her....

It wouldn't be that easy, because from a strategic company standpoint it's not about just her. If it was, that might be the case, but it's also about all the other employees that might potentially want to sue them in the future if some case like that won. It would be worth Hooters fighting it just to nip anything like that in the bud and also so no precedent could be set for the other employees and none of them smelled blood in the water. I could even see people then gaining weight just so they could get fired and then sue Hooters.

Elektra Knight

Official Checked Star Member
I have to agree. Hooters hires on looks, they are honest about that. I used to work for Hooters and they have a strict policy on looks. It is possible that she has a gut, or cellulite on her legs.

I agree with you. although she does look thin and in decent shape, she probably has something that isn't appealing to the eyes of her employers, which in the first place was hired and told not to have. By looking at her pictures, she does appear to have some love handles. She should take up the free gym membership and tone up a bit. (IMO)