Homeland Security Informs 21 States Of Russian Hack


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
My point here is to illustrate the incredible disconnect within the Trump administration. Our President calls the Russian investigation a "hoax" while the very agency that works directly for him verifies it. The dude is truly a snake oil peddler and his hard-core base just continues to buy it. What a fiasco this presidency is! :facepalm:

For the first time, the federal government has officially informed states that their election systems might have been targeted by foreign actors. The Department of Homeland Security told Congress this summer that it suspected that 21 states were targeted, but it wasn’t until Friday that they told local election officials, according to the Associated Press.

In June, DHS Acting Deputy Undersecretary for Cybersecurity and Communications Jeanette Manfra told a US Senate Intelligence Committee that “internet-connected election-related networks, including websites, in 21 states were potentially targeted by Russian government cyber actors,” but didn’t disclose which states were impacted.

DHS officially contacted election officials in each state and six territories on Friday to “fill them in on what information the agency has about election hacking attempts in their state last year,” according to NPR. The AP reports that state officials from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin say that they were among those contacted. NPR reports that officials in Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Mexico, and North Carolina say that they were not amongst those contacted.

While the AP notes that being targeted doesn’t necessarily mean that information was manipulated, hackers did steal information or plant malware in Illinois and Arizona in 2016. In most cases, officials said that the activity was “preparatory activity such as scanning computer systems,” and that “attempts to compromise networks” were mostly unsuccessful.

The confirmation comes after months of complaints from state election officials, who have asked the department for information about its investigation. Bob Kolasky, acting deputy undersecretary for DHS's National Protection and Programs Directorate, said that “we recognize that it is important for senior state election officials to know what happens on their state systems.” Numerous states are preparing for elections this fall, and have already begun to take precautions.

Frank Beard is the only member of ZZ Top that doesn't wear a beard.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
My point here is to illustrate the incredible disconnect within the Trump administration. Our President calls the Russian investigation a "hoax" while the very agency that works directly for him verifies it. The dude is truly a snake oil peddler and his hard-core base just continues to buy it. What a fiasco this presidency is! :facepalm:

I got a few newsletters from my state's SOS about this, though the conclusion is that the intrustion attempts were unsuccessful. Not sure they'd be telling us otherwise, but on the other hand, Oregon's system is pretty rock solid.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Yes. We were very fortunate this time. What is most disconcerting for me is the fact that, due to the president's constant denials, there is no real national effort to address this threat while the Russians must certainly meanwhile be examining their procedures and looking for ways to make them more effective next time. It's still amazing to me that there isn't more general conservative outrage about this considering their history. Does party "trump" country?


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Does party "trump" country?

I'm betting this is a facetious question not necessarily meant for me, considering we both know the answer to this is yes.


Hiliary 2020
My point here is to illustrate the incredible disconnect within the Trump administration. Our President calls the Russian investigation a "hoax" while the very agency that works directly for him verifies it. The dude is truly a snake oil peddler and his hard-core base just continues to buy it. What a fiasco this presidency is! :facepalm:


I'm not following the logic here.
DHS after all this time says "Oh yeah, Russia hacked our elections".
Again no proof exhibited or even claimed to exist.
How in this case does that make him a snake oil salesman?
If you were Trump what more could you say but "Ok, show me the proof Russia interfered with the election?".
That's what we all should be asking. But after a time its better just to ignore it.

Let me add Jag that I agree he is part of the Snakeoil Distribution Corporation that I've been trying to make you all aware of and been taking a degree of shit for doing so.

The entire thing is a big Snake Oil Show. A Phony Fake Show.
The Politicians, The News media and the entire media. The entire GOV in general and the ones who control literally all of our mass information. Phony, Fake, and a Show. Phony Fake Show.
Just like the old traveling show that would go from town to town where the Salesman and the hecklers and the "Strangers" who were cured are all back stage later splitting the money they conned the naive townsfolk out of....and the mayor and the Sheriff get a taste too.
Thats the country we are living in now. One big Snake Oil Show.
If you were Trump what more could you say but "Ok, show me the proof Russia interfered with the election?". Again no proof exhibited or even claimed to exist.

The evidence was shown to him. Jan 6 2017, as he approached his inaugural, he was briefed by the CIA, FBI and the head of the NSA.

Nevertheless, he continued to insist it was all a hoax.
Perhaps because his ego is SO fucking out of control he couldn't bear to accept that he didn't win the presidency without a shove from Russia.
Or perhaps because as we may yet find out via the Mueller investigation his campaign colluded with Russia to apply that push.


Hiliary 2020
They showed him proof on Jan. 6th?
Can this be verified?
If so what did Russia do?
And they call me the conspiracy guy.
Ding Dong, Hello!


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
They showed him proof on Jan. 6th?
Can this be verified?

The intelligence agencies showed him proof, yes. Seventeen of them to be exact. I'm sure it can be verified....if you have a top-secret security clearance.

But again, these guys are all part of a mass conspiracy so whatever they say is designed to be a ruse so....oh, OK....I get it, then Trump is actually right after all! Gee, what a brilliant man! I take back everything I said. Adam, close this down....I stand corrected!


Hiliary 2020
17 of them?
Oh yeah Thats what Hiliary said in the debate.
Andd CNN repeated it.
It must be true.

I think I'm in the wrong place at this point.


17 of them?
Oh yeah Thats what Hiliary said in the debate.
Andd CNN repeated it.
It must be true.

I think I'm in the wrong place at this point.

Considering that all 17 spoke for themselves during the campaign, yes you are in the wrong (head)space at this point.


Hiliary 2020
That is not true.
17 Security agencies did not say or show proof that Russia hacked anything. Clinton said it during a debate.
You all want to gang up on me go head. That seems to be human behavior. Dont care much.
Its about the phony fake shows I know.
Look at any one of the "mass shootings" . ANY ONE. Actually look into them like I've done. Open your eyes.
Go research the Fort Lauderdale airport fake show thats an easy one. If you cant se that one I dont know.Camera crews, news crews all over filming people running from gunshots. How did they get there for that?
Filming the same people running in different parts of the airport , different terminals. Not possible. Laughable anybody would even consider it possible.
So we are back to Russia cheated Hiliary again and you people are actually buying it and spreading it as actual fact?
And you call me a conspiracy nut?
Fucked up.


1. 17 Security agencies said what they said. Don't tell me what i read or heard. I tell you what I've read and/or heard.
2. Please believe me when I say that no one here wants to gang up on you. And we'll prove that by you shuttin' the fuck up and us stopping.
3. Seriously.


Hiliary 2020
Oh it must be true.
Over a year of this Russia got Trump elected bullshit and do you think if they didnt have proof they wouldn't have shown the world?
No instead we get articles saying Trump To Be Breifed On Russian Hacking and we are supposed to say Wow Its Twue Ots Twue.
Maybe thats enough for you.

I'll refresh your memories. This is where that came from. Sept 2016. The beginning of the Russia hacking stuff.
And she was talking about the source of the wikileaks emails.
Hiliary Clinton in the 1st debate , the one we now know she had the answers to the questions in advance.
(Something I said was obvious the next day and you people called me crazy).

There is your source. And I'm the nut right?

And in the 2nd debate where she dressed up like a pastry chef.
She was asked about open borders and she started talking about Russia again. (this part I know hurt her a lot).
17 intelligence agencies! There it is. There is your source. And I'm the nut.
At this point she knew she was going to lose so she went for broke and this time blame the Russian Hacking on Putin himself.

So there you go. There is your source of the 17 Agencies.
And do you even know who these 17 agencies are? So the Department of Energy, the Department of Treasury, the DEA and Coast guard intelligence all confirmed what she said?
No they didnt.
Some Obama appointees did. Of course they did, they wanted her to win and they wanted to keep theyre jobs.
"Russia? Oh yeah Russia right. Yes it was Russia wink wink".

And agian if they actually had proof of this of course they would have showed this before the election to help her win and definitely after to get him impeached.
You were born with the ability of critical thinking, where did it go?