Hobbits 'are a separate species'


We already knew that...did they find any "Entering the Shire" Municipal signs?:D

Will E Worm

Bilbo Baggins :hatsoff:
i vaguely recall seeing a history show on these people a few years ago and it did mention speculations about the great difference between them and other hominids in the region at the time so i guess they were just another case of evolution moviing on without them.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Less Dildo Faggins, more lard of the wings. Anyone have any good parodies? New ones? Seen the badger one, the hobbit-a-pult, the .. hell, I've seen 'em all. Good stuff the first few viewings. ;)
what "more evidence?" that article sucked. It didn't even cite what the original evidence was to support their theory, just that they speculated it.

Ok, so I see that the other article makes mention of the foot bone that appears to be distinct from other contemporary humans... curious, but not conclusive of anything.

The theory that it is a genetic condition causing smaller brains and dwarfism has been registered in other archaeological specimens from different locations and perhaps the biggest "smoking gun" of all is that it has been documented in living members of the islands population which are obviously homo sapiens sapiens. How do you explain that with the separate species theory? that they are hybrid humans? I'd say it's busted.


The One and Only Big Daddy
what "more evidence?" that article sucked. It didn't even cite what the original evidence was to support their theory, just that they speculated it.

Ok, so I see that the other article makes mention of the foot bone that appears to be distinct from other contemporary humans... curious, but not conclusive of anything.

The theory that it is a genetic condition causing smaller brains and dwarfism has been registered in other archaeological specimens from different locations and perhaps the biggest "smoking gun" of all is that it has been documented in living members of the islands population which are obviously homo sapiens sapiens. How do you explain that with the separate species theory? that they are hybrid humans? I'd say it's busted.

Well I thought the article was pretty good considering they are finding new stuff everyday I honestly thought hobbits were not feal but made up:dunno:As always minidog good stuff:thumbsup:
Hobbits are not real, they were made up by fantasy author J.R.R Tolkien. They most likely are based on Celtic folklore about "the little people" (including leprechauns and pixies) and in particular hobgoblins, brownies and boggarts.

Some nerd just probably said it and it stuck with the media.