Wow when he blew his brains out like the coward he was...
Well, I'm not out to defend Hitler here, but in some cultures committing suicide can also be seen as a way to ultimately take responsibility for personal failure. I'd probably think about something like this before evil-eyeing someone who'd easily out-evil you on your most evil day.
As for the bone fragments: That knowledge is as old as the Flüsterwitze they used to tell in Nazi Germany. ("The Nazi Christmas goose: Fat like Göring, quaking like Goebbels, brown like the party and plucked like the German people."....or how about this one "Hitler, Goebbels and Göring are sitting in a sinking boat. Who'll survive? Germany!")
And as long as the US and Russia believe, that they have to be in competition about who won the past, we'll never know the truth about these bone fragments. That Hitler is still alive though is a myth, nothing more. And strangely it is spread mostly by Americans. In Germany, noone except a handful of neo-nazis (whom even the other nazis find delusional) thinks, that Hitler survived the war.