hiring 2 escorts for one night.

I've been thinking about doing this for a while now. now, what the chance that i'll get some G/G action?. Also, have anyone done this before, if so, please details?.
No need to pay all that for an escort. Just pop down to the east end and buy a drink for the girls in the skirts they really shouldn't be wearing. Yes, they may not be that attractive and you may pick up something that'll make it burn when you piss. But I just saved you a lot of cash ;).


No need to pay all that for an escort. Just pop down to the east end and buy a drink for the girls in the skirts they really shouldn't be wearing. Yes, they may not be that attractive and you may pick up something that'll make it burn when you piss. But I just saved you a lot of cash ;).

I wonder about you sometimes. :)
well im all down for helping some hottie chic's get through collage...why not.GO FOR IT DUDE!!!!.TWO HOTTIE BODIES FOR ONE NIGHT!!!,make sure you tell them no breakfast with out goodbye head...:glugglug:


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Why not three?
No need to pay all that for an escort. Just pop down to the east end and buy a drink for the girls in the skirts they really shouldn't be wearing. Yes, they may not be that attractive and you may pick up something that'll make it burn when you piss. But I just saved you a lot of cash ;).

WAITT did you save as much cash as you did by switching to Geico? A 15 minute call can save you..from getting STDs =P:1orglaugh
Are you planning on just watching or participating? Personally that's always been a fantasy of mine. Screwing two chicks at once. Almost happened at one time. Girlfriend asked me if I wanted to include her friend. I thought about it for maybe .0001 of a second and said sure! But her friend chickened out before we could make it happen. :mad: