Hip Hop is dead

There is no hip hop anymore.Everything you see on TV is Rap,which is hip hop that sold out.

Like Busta Rhymes said in the the song Syntax Error when he was with The Leaders Of The New School,"Rap is business music,hip hop is cultural music".It's all about the money now,and has been for over 15 years now.
Hip Hop died when Soulja Boy, Jibbs, and that stupid ass Chicken Noodle soup song started polluting the airwaves.
Hip Hop died when Soulja Boy, Jibbs, and that stupid ass Chicken Noodle soup song started polluting the airwaves.

Don't forget Plies and Wacka Flocka's retarded ass!:mad: I agree about the time period in which it died, however. Give or take a year or two. That kinda coincides with the last album DMX put out. After he fell off the grid I haven't had a real reason to believe in hip hop anymore. All forms of music over the last half century has been subject to the effects of pretenders and sellouts. Hell, my favorite metal band sold out after Cliff Burton died. Oh well.

There is no hip hop anymore.Everything you see on TV is Rap,which is hip hop that sold out.

Like Busta Rhymes said in the the song Syntax Error when he was with The Leaders Of The New School,"Rap is business music,hip hop is cultural music".It's all about the money now,and has been for over 15 years now.

That is absolutely correct. I always liked Busta Rhymes. He was always way smarter than he seemed to me and his style was very unique, unlike all these lil wayne wannabes running around nowadays.
That is absolutely correct. I always liked Busta Rhymes. He was always way smarter than he seemed to me and his style was very unique, unlike all these lil wayne wannabes running around nowadays.

Problem is,he's one of those sellouts as well,but at least I have respect for him because he never tried to hide the fact that he sold out,he embraced it.

Part of the problem too is that most of the artists that had true talent made very bad deal and signed contracts that they are probably still paying for today.That's why every rapper tries to get into movies as well,because the music alone won't pay the bills,especially not today.

So with all of the real artists either off the map or underground,the only thing that gets any attention is this watered down commercialized crap that's spoon fed to the youth,and they are being sold something that the media is telling them that's cool,instead of them just making their own cool.But that's typical to every generation and really not that unexpected.
Hip Hop is not dead. And Rap hasn't eclipsed it either. Hip Hop has become so pervasive that it has seeped into other genres and branches of the arts. It is a very huge part of what he see/hear/ingest. This is just the next stage of its evolution.
Heres the rebirth....God and Royce the 5'9

Eminem is a perfect embodiment of rap these days. He is a great lyricist, but that is not what got him famous. He got famous acting like a dumbass with songs like The Real Slim Shady and Without Me. Then in the public's eye, he started making great music, but he never would have had anyone's attention without the those hip-pop songs.

I love listening to underground hip hop/rap. I don't think hip hop/rap is dead though...

Yup, it's not dead, just the real stuff doesn't reach the masses. All you hear on the radio is shit, but the good stuff is around......just gotta dig deeper for it.

Rock is even more dead. HipPop is the last one standing.
