NEVER!! I would like the few 2nd Amendment rights I have left, to remain in tact.
I say sure why not? She ran the country when bill was in office and we didn't have near the fucked up world issues we have today? I'm definatly voting against the republican party this time around!
Umm, we have the problems we have now because Clinton sat back and let them fester.
Thank the dear lord god neither of the Bushes can run again...EVER!!!:thefinger BUSH!!!
Well, not like I expect you to have a clue (considering you blame wrongly everything on GWB), but there is a third Bush that can run. That would be Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. See, you are starting to learn things.
Only way she can win is if the repubs are dumb enough to run Condi against her.
i think her election is in the bible somewhere. something about the end of the world nadda nadda nadda. god help this counrty is i can say. the politics are ridiculous and the goverment is very irresponsible. the people must be fools to be choosing all this assholes for presidency. looks whats happened so far. im litereally afraid to reside here.
No way. The Republicans better draft Condie for president.
Though, for all you liberals out there, a Republican ticket that may make you cringe... Ashcroft/Rumsfeld '08!! :rofl: Too bad it won't happen.
I'd sleep with Hillary just to get her into office. Hell I'd sleep with Bill just to get Hillary into office. And I may have to.
its not going to stop if hillary clinton is in office. i think ric flair should run. just imagine a whoooooo! after every speech.
stone cold can be in charge of security, and the rock can be the foriegn relations guy.
yep, we do need guns, right?
I'd vote for Hillary in a heartbeat. She's a smart, self-confident, determined woman with a lot of charisma and leadership ability. Problem is....she can't be elected. There are WAY too many people who hate her.
Only way she can win is if the repubs are dumb enough to run Condi against her.