Hillary Rodham Clinton for President


  • Yes

    Votes: 31 34.1%
  • No

    Votes: 60 65.9%

  • Total voters
She is poised to make for a run for the job of US President.

She has amassed millions in fund-raising and also have a staff from New York to Washington to run a campaign.

There are no opponents against her and Bill is campaigning with her in many, many occasion.

Hilary Clinton will take a NO for an answer !


what the fuck you lookin at?
I say sure why not? She ran the country when bill was in office and we didn't have near the fucked up world issues we have today? I'm definatly voting against the republican party this time around! Thank the dear lord god neither of the Bushes can run again...EVER!!!
:thefinger BUSH!!!
jeb better not run that will cause total devisataion....WWIII here we come with another bush running the country....damn loosers
I will not vote in another family dynasty. We will go from King George II to Queen Hillary. Fresh blood please. Doesn't matter anyway though. She's never going to win.

Not only will I vote for Hillary in the first election in which I can legally vote, but I would vote for her over virtually anyone else.
You're a citizen now?
Will I vote for Hillary? Answer: HELL NO (that doesn't mean I will vote for her opposition either) The best the Democratic party can hope from me if they nominate her is that I vote for nobody.

Truthfully I was hoping I would never again hear of Hillary on this board after Nightfly went away. (Unless it was of her dying in a plane crash, getting eaten by a bunch of piranhas or something like that) :1orglaugh
No way. The Republicans better draft Condie for president.
Though, for all you liberals out there, a Republican ticket that may make you cringe... Ashcroft/Rumsfeld '08!! :rofl: Too bad it won't happen.