Hillary Clinton just had her 47 Percent moment. Calls Trump supporters "Basket of deplorables"

Re: Hillary Clinton just had her 47 Percent moment. Calls Trump supporters "Basket of deplorables"


The attempted trashing of Snopes is understandable considering they get it right about 95% of the time, while using verifiably legit sources - thereby causing great embarrassment to the wingnut nation :o :o

Snopes uses liberal journalists, academics to dispel rumors, claims. The so called 95 percent accuracy rating is as tainted as their findings.

Not saying that they can't be correct about the most obvious of incidences but it is basically an online correspondence course in liberal bias .


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Re: Hillary Clinton just had her 47 Percent moment. Calls Trump supporters "Basket of deplorables"

Clinton could have used a much stronger verb. "Deplorablöe" isn't very condemnable, read the definition.


causing or being a subject for grief or regret; lamentable:
the deplorable death of a friend.
causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; very bad:
This room is in deplorable order. You have deplorable manners!

Re: Hillary Clinton just had her 47 Percent moment. Calls Trump supporters "Basket of deplorables"

By claiming that Snopes is unreliable in one realm, you’re also refuting the thousands of other articles that Snopes is actually accurate about. By proclaiming a source to be tainted in one aspect, you may inadvertently be trying to establish that all other things produced by that source may be spun in favor of that particular taint — without even bothering to check to see whether they actually are. (Source: Debunking Forwards: Is Snopes Unreliable?

Snopes: We don’t expect anyone to accept us as the ultimate authority on any topic, which is why our site’s name indicates that it contains reference pages. Unlike the plethora of anonymous individuals who create and send the unsigned, unsourced e-mail messages that are forwarded all over the Internet, we show our work. The research materials we’ve used in the preparation of any particular page are listed in the bibliography displayed at the bottom of that page so that readers who wish to verify the validity of our information may check those sources for themselves.