The real high tech condom to expect in 20 years ...
Within the next 20 years, polymers will be developed that will bond to skin. If you want to take it off, all you have to do is put your finger under it and pull it off (since it would bond to your finger). They are already working on this for bandages -- something that bonds to skin, but not blood or other cells. It is also very likely that they can be "programmed" to bond to specific skin -- e.g., loosely coded to a set of people's genetic sequence, or type of people (e.g., men).
So what does this have to do with condoms?
Imagine putting on a condom that just goes over the very tip of your head. It, in essence, is a semen repository. The rest of your helmet, and all of the stem, especially the majority of the very sensitive side of the ventral of your penis, short of the very tip of the helmet. Can you imagine the pleasure? And the protection is quite good, because it's a tight, polymer bond between the lattice of your skin and the intrinsic material.
And because it's loosely sequenced to your skin, contact with your partner won't cause it to bond with her. In fact, it might be that it is merely coded for men, so women can't remove it (although that doesn't help gay men). I don't know what will be feasible in 20-30 years, but these polymers will exist.
They might start out as expensive and only for the rich the first few years. But demand increases supply and availability, which always results in econonies of scale and eventual commodity.
Just thought I'd point this out because you're unlikely to see such an article in Popular Science.