Vanilla Bear
Bears For Life
I already know what's up front. But this is not a no. I will never get tired of looking at your front. Or looking at your eyes while sucking your up front.
Wanna show Santa and be naughty together? Btw I wanna give this ass a smooch rather than a smack this time. I already left my hand print last time.
Call me when you're in need of some vanilla.
634-5789, right?
Wendy Summers Wet Tshirt
PIC: I’m nice, but I have also been a naughty shemale this holiday season. Want to give this ass a smack?
It's alright, Wendy. I'll forgive you. You know if you bend over for me. :love-smi:lolz that's what I get for not proofreading lol - nope Iridal is a GG
Oh why don't we make our own bedtime story with a very happy ending?I’m in bed, but this shemale is not ready to sleep! Read me a bedtime story. Don’t you want a happy ending.