Hey I got a taser story!!!


Closed Account
Just thought I'd bore you gentle readers with another tale of pho lice brutality, man's inhumanity against man, cruelty against the good, upstanding people of a small town of righteous citizens by the ominous ever looming pho lice.

Bud gets tasered - five times. (Now he can go around saying, like the wrestler Booker T; five times, five times, five times, five times, five times:

As in happy happy?


Retired truck driver Bud Grose, 76, was shocked with a Taser during the town's Deer Creek Days parade on Aug. 1 after Grose ignored an officer's traffic command and departed the parade route.

What do you know? Not listening to the cop again. :rolleyes: Now people are going to come on here and question why the cop had to use a taser to subdue a 76 year old man. Yadda yadda yadda.

Just do what the cops ask. Why is that so difficult??

Will E Worm

Good we needed a new one. ;)

Police use Taser on 76-year-old man.
I bet that cop feels big and manley now.

He had to use a taser instead of subduong an
elderly man. How out of shape does one have to be?

Just another worthless doughnut eating doughboy.

Will E Worm

Why is there no blame on the guy who didn't comply with the officers commands?

What were the commands? Were they legal?

Many questions to ask and have answered.

Also, they have clubs and guns.

Why didn't the officer shoot him in the leg or knee caps?

Why didn't he take the club and beat the guy unconscious?

Will E Worm

And you still judge him anyways, without knowing anything about it. Typical bible thumper. :hatsoff:

That's right ignore everything else and make assumptions.
Then attack me on another unrelated subject.

Typical liberal. :wave:
I'm not making assumptions. The guy disobeyed an officers commands and got tazed. Seems pretty straight forward to me. Sometimes things just are what they are. You don't ALWAYS have to try and read between the lines.


Closed Account
Here's a thought. He could just let the old geezer drive on into the field and on to the next town. He wants to go let him. The rest were going the right way. The cop had the injured wrist to prove it.

Bud must have been bristling. Still, I wonder what the police did 'in the old days'? Bludgeon the guy with a truncheon? Now they have tasers and boy do they use 'em.

I think Bud must have felt he's a good ole boy and he can do whatever the hell he darn well wants. He could have just stopped his tractor and spoken to the police.

I was at a supermarket just now - about 22h:30 PST, (Wed). First there was some aggro man glaring at me for no reason. (I saw him later outside on the way home. He started cursing at me. Seriously I had done nothing. Just another customer. He came within an inch of having his jaw rearranged. If it had been some of the people I knew in a previous time, he would have been unconscious. But, it's me. Mr Nice Guy).

Then some manic bitch yelled because her freakin' bag had been pulled forward by the conveyor belt. People are just so highly strung and entrenched in what they feel is 'their right'.

Bud must have seriously pissed off that officer. Especially after banging his SUV into the copcar. :dunno: I always thought police just warned you. Just the thought of going to jail was usually enough to scare some folk.

Maybe there is just too much civil disobedience going around. Tasering him five times is hectic, though. Wow.

Will E Worm

I'm not making assumptions. The guy disobeyed an officers commands and got tazed. Seems pretty straight forward to me. Sometimes things just are what they are. You don't ALWAYS have to try and read between the lines.

Scroll back up and see what else an officer has on his belt he could use.

So, why just use a taser?

He could go back to his cruiser and get his shotgun too.
Or, run him down with the cruiser.
How about that? :D

The bottom line is people are not to be cattle prodded into submission and that is what they are trying to do.
Scroll back up and see what else an officer has on his belt he could use.

So, why just use a taser?

He could go back to his cruiser and get his shotgun too.
Or, run him down with the cruiser.
How about that? :D

The bottom line is people are not to be cattle prodded into submission and that is what they are trying to do.

So why do we have police then? By your logic, we should just let everybody do whatever they want. No?

Arent you two getting along swell tonight

Will E Worm

So why do we have police then? By your logic, we should just let everybody do whatever they want. No?


Officers should be able to handle situations much better than they have been dealing with them.

Remember when they didn't have tasers? Did they randomly shoot people?

Then they shouldn't be using tasers like they have an itchy trigger finger.
Actually tasers shouldn't be used at all. They are lethal and they are abused.

Officers should have a high IQ and know how to treat people better than farm animals.

But, if you had seen the article I posted on a few of these threads you would see people with high IQ's are turned away.