That's why I keep mine short, I can't bare to have gunk in it every single day. I just gel it when I'm trying to find a vagina to fuck.
yeah, i dont use gel and shit anymore. it started irritating my scalp. a few girls have told me they hate it too.
recently ive been trying to keep it somewhat short because my hair grows fast and it gets uncomfortable and hot.
when i do get it cut (which is after the 2-3 times ive massacred it myself at home) i just tell the girl to do whatever
she thinks looks good. i dont know about all that number 1 number 2 shit, fading, square, sidburns blah blah. i say, do what you think is best and it usually comes out way better than when i used to request certain things.
in my opinion, thats how to do it. let em do their thing. they cut hair for a living and they are girls. win win.