He's just waitin' for the Apocalypse



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Ace Bandage

The one and only.
This guy is actually very far right. He might be watching FOX News now (more conservative than Reagan), but he's really waiting for Anderson Cooper and his pinko commie bull shit to come on - then it's time to unload!
Maybe he has seen enough coverage of the death of the self appointed king of pop, and is about to freak the fuck out?


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Looks my house, except for the shitty wolf ammo.
That shit is too corrosive. :thefinger
Hes definitly ready for the Zombies.
Lots of weapons, only one finger to pull the trigger, what's the point?
I have more knives than guns. House is closed quarters, so if someone breaks in, by the time they raise their arm to point their gun (or whatever) at me I would have them cut up like a chicken before they say 'shut up, don't move'. This guy is just asking for it holding that long ass barrel in that living room.

Also, why the hell is he sitting in front of a damn window with thin sheets, holding a rifle!? He's just begging for a headshot!