If he isn't one I have yet to see facts to the contrary, at least in a real world common sense way. Things supporting the fact he's stupid or corrupt are plenty though. :2 cents:
Another person that is scared shitless of Gingrich debating Obama.
If he isn't one I have yet to see facts to the contrary, at least in a real world common sense way. Things supporting the fact he's stupid or corrupt are plenty though. :2 cents:
Gingrich is having trouble debating the clowns in the GOP primary.
What's Gingrich accomplished other than being an academic and sucking off the public tit?
Well, he managed to pull off one of the best public displays of hypocrisy ever by investigating Clinton for adultery while quietly fucking one of his staffers.
This was while he was married to the woman he cheated on his first wife with; that wife was told he was divorcing her while she was in hospital recovering from surgery.
I think he's a perfect public figure.
a couple of points you are missing in all of that.
1-The Clinton impeachment hearings were not about adultery.
2-He was overseeing the House hearings, not investigating the matter.
3-He was not deposed about his affair
4- Thus, he did not commit perjury.
Other than that, you make excellent points.
You listed a bunch of Fox News talking points. Reading comprehension requires something coherent be posted. Why are you getting upset, anyway? I haven't attacked you.
That's such a non-starter. Explain to me what Obama has done that's "socialist/marxist". Bear in mind the many "socialist/marxist" things done by republicans while you're at it.
Nice cut-and-paste job above, btw. Have you ever considered a career in writing? You are so eloquent.
1 - no they weren't but the Republicans - with Gingrich at the forefront - made them about that and used them as a moral battering ram to attack Clinton, directly linking his adultery to his ability to lead
2 - the house hearing were investigating the matter, so ....
3 - so fucking what. My post is about hypocrisy, not legal culpability
4. No one said he did. See (3) above
Other than that, you made an excellent response.
I once lived under communisim (Viet Nam) and know first hand how evil it is.
Food for thought: The concept of wealth/income distribution never works. Looks at Europe (Socialism) and any other communist countries. They are all bankrupted.
As for taxing the rich or corporation, if you tax them too much, they will do business elsewhere (See China and other states like Texas).
All Obama tries to create is government jobs (taking or taxing one groups to create jobs for other groups) but this President does not know how to create private jobs. Private sectors are what drive this country, not public sector. This country is broke as it is and if more government jobs are created, this means more government spending. The government can't just keep on spending.
Mr. Obama has already accumulated 4 plus trillions in national dept (5 trillions by the end of last year). We can't just spend ourselves to death.
Wealth distribution and class warfare are focal points of of socialism and communism. And now Obama is practicing it.
If you tax or hammer job creators, i.e., the rich and corporations, you will lose jobs, lots of jobs. At first, revenue (collected by the government) will temporarily be used to create some government jobs but that will be short-lived. Fewer private sector jobs mean fewer tax revenue the government can collect. Fewer tax revenue mean the government has less money to spend. Less money to spend means the government has to borrow more money (Right now the government spends around 1.5 trillion dollars more than they take in). We can't just spend our ways (taxpayers' money) out of recession. The best way to get out of an economic downturn is to promote growth in private sectors.
Poland is one of the lowest taxed countries in Europe and they don't suffer economic downturn like the rest of Europe. Canada gets out of the recession by being realistic, i.e., taking advantage of their oil and gas reserve. It's hard to recover when people have to pay $3 or more for a gallon of gas.
1- They linked the fact that the POTUS may have committed a felony therefore affecting his ability to lead,
2- As Speaker it was his job. You make it seem as if he was leading the charge. He was not.
3- It is not hypocrisy if there is sufficient evidence that the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the land has committed perjury and the House which he oversees is conducting hearings about something that he himself has not committed or been accused of.
4-Of course you didn't. You conveniently left that tidbit out.
I'm glad I could clear that up for you. No charge.
1. they also linked the adultery. That was my point. It thought that was pretty clear, yet again, English is my first language.
2. So, now it was his job to oversee the investigation into the allegations you first said that he wasn't investigating, but that as the Speaker - i.e. the senior leadership figure for the GOP in the House - he wasn't leading the charge. Well, thanks for clearing that up. makes perfect sense now.
3. Hypocrisy (hɪˈpɒkrəsɪ) the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc, contrary to one's real character or actual behaviour, esp the pretence of virtue and piety
So, yes it was, yes he is as I was talking about - and have only posted about - his hypocrisy in relation to his personal behavior versus his public actions. This whole perjury thing is your misdirected interjection.
3. I left it out, because I never mentioned it, because my post isn't and wasn't about it
If this is still too complex for you to understand, can try and explain in crayons using only two syllable words.
It's ironic that Mr. Obama is hammering Wall Street and corporations but in fact he's receiving more money from them than anybody else in history.
Mr. Obama said about humility but he and his people keep on throwing names at the oppositions.
Mr. Obama said in one of his speeches that it was unwise to raise tax in a recession. He's now doing the opposite.
Mr. Obama said he's the president of the people but calls his appositions (republicans) his enemies (e.g., "award our friends and punish our enemies").
Mr. Obama said he'd unite this country. He's now practicing class warfare and racism.