My own understanding of 'evolution' is just that people have the capacity to change. They are more beautiful now than they were before. Although men seem to like looking like ugly brutes with their bald or nearly bald heads etc. Female bald heads should start coming into fashion some day too.
Anyway, point is one sees change in nature. I was going to say people are smarter than they were, but then I would have to be calling Socrates and da Vinci dumb. Or Romans whose law we still use. Or the Arabs that were mathematical geniuses aeons ago. Chinese, etc.
I will go with attractive then.
That is my idea of evolution. The other Darwinian stuff, well, I am surprised people still deliberate about it much less go on youtube to yell at God and the Church.
As for the rough ride. You know, some of us are trying to think positively about the future here!
Animals, humans, are able to adapt. I wont stand upon a street corner and yell out for or against evolution.
I always think of the film "Time Bandits" where near the end God finally retrieves the map. He says, "Well, I had better get back, before they all start putting everything down to evolution".
God may not jump up in front of everyone and say "Here I am" Actually, if He did, people would then say God doesn't exist. They would simply call Him an alien.
There are little pointers though. "Seek and you will find". God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Three in one.
We live on the third rock from the sun.
The bible talks of the seven spirits of God. 7 is another number that recurs throughout the bible and nature. His nature is to protect.
We have water, an atmosphere, huge Jupiter deflecting meteors that would have obliterated life on Earth long ago otherwise.
The sun gives light and warmth, promoting life.
Numbers like 10, 8, 40, 12, 7 all crop up throughout human history.
There are so many little signs along the way.
It is just that people willfully are ignorant. They deliberately choose to disobey, knowing full well that there is God and that he has been trying to reach out to them for so long.
Funny thing is, Satanists believe in God. The devils believe, and they tremble.
When God returns, and He will return, His wrath will be such that even the righteous will fear.
The deception is so great and becoming more so, to the extent that, if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived.
One needs to look, to believe, to have faith. It doesn't take much.
There are such wonderful things in creation. Leaves that form from seemingly dead twigs. Flowers that bloom out of nothing. Butterflies that appear. If you open the cocoon, it is empty inside.
I have seen the sick healed, the dead are raised.
I do wish this evolution were not made such an issue, so one could be free to realise the greater truths.
Children need to be taught science and math, no doubt. The Universe is full of the most amazing mysteries. Quasars, pulsars, muons, laws that stagger the imagination and defy logic. Infinitesimally tiny electrons that still have a gravitational pull. Mindboggling.