Henry Rollins On Evolution...

Okay, so somebody fill me in... So do evolutionists not believe in God at all? Is there not a possibility that God initiated evolution? Why do people call it 'intellegent design'? Why not 'imaginative design'? Is the idea of God's existence just simply way too damn simple for people to accept?

Not all evolutionists are atheists but I would think beleiving in evolution makes being considered a very devout religious person somewhat problematic."Intelligent design" is just the new phrase for "creationism",which can as expressed by believers in the holy bible story of creation be dis-proved.According to them the world and man and everything is less than 10,000 years old.Science proves that to be false.But then again they also thought the earth was flat and was the center of the universe, so being right about such things is not very common for religions.

So basically, anything that man can't get his hands on doesn't exist??? So if it can't be tested, it's automatically false??? Correct me if I'm wrong, but faith in God can be tested and observed, so given the previous theory God exists... at least within the subject tested, right?

Its like a belief in unicorns or alien vistors.While we may not be able to prove they do not exist isn't the burden properly on those that do claim such things?

By the way: Anyone that truly believes is creation never thinks science attacks God, however it seems by evolutionist attitude, that they think God attacks science. Whether you believe or not, the idea of what God is to evolutionists never changes, thus man's ever changing scientific discoveries could never be looked at as consistent.
This one I would say IMO you have entirely backwards.Its been religion that has fought wilh a lot of violence I might add through the centuries against any ideas that were contrary to their teachings.People were burned at the stake for all sorts of heresy's ,there was the spanish inqusition etc.

Many who dared to bring scientific enlightment to man and expand his knowledge faced all kinds of retribution including torture and death.

And that struggle continues.There was a time in the US that some states passed laws against teaching evolution in schools and even now they keep trying to get creationism back in the schools under its new name "intelligent design".

Thats the kind of imposing religious dogma on society that makes people like me angry about religion.:mad:

But we haven't burned many at the stake,yet.:D
Not all evolutionists are atheists but I would think beleiving in evolution makes being considered a very devout religious person somewhat problematic."Intelligent design" is just the new phrase for "creationism",which can as expressed by believers in the holy bible story of creation be dis-proved.According to them the world and man and everything is less than 10,000 years old.Science proves that to be false.But then again they also thought the earth was flat and was the center of the universe, so being right about such things is not very common for religions.

Its like a belief in unicorns or alien vistors.While we may not be able to prove they do not exist isn't the burden properly on those that do claim such things?

This one I would say IMO you have entirely backwards.Its been religion that has fought wilh a lot of violence I might add through the centuries against any ideas that were contrary to their teachings.People were burned at the stake for all sorts of heresy's ,there was the spanish inqusition etc.

Many who dared to bring scientific enlightment to man and expand his knowledge faced all kinds of retribution including torture and death.

And that struggle continues.There was a time in the US that some states passed laws against teaching evolution in schools and even now they keep trying to get creationism back in the schools under its new name "intelligent design".

Thats the kind of imposing religious dogma on society that makes people like me angry about religion.:mad:

But we haven't burned many at the stake,yet.:D

I think I see where you're coming from. I'm just trying to get a handle on the idea. As I previously mentioned, I am a believer in God, but do not rule out scientific discoveries. I believe that the evidence of Gods existence is through Gods creations. There are however certain widely accepted religious beliefs that I just cannot accept as truth, nor can I accept human enforcement of these beliefs as law.

Think again. They were never Christians. They are Catholics, they follow Catholicism. They "preach" another gospel, they forbid people to marry, they forbid meats, they are idol worshippers.
We were warned about people like that. ;)

That’s just idiotic. The word “Catholic” is derived from Greek meaning “universal”. Meaning that the Church is universal.

So Baptists aren’t Christians because they are called Baptists? What about Presbyterians? Methodists? Or better yet, Lutherans, do you think that means they worship Martin Luther?


Closed Account
My own understanding of 'evolution' is just that people have the capacity to change. They are more beautiful now than they were before. Although men seem to like looking like ugly brutes with their bald or nearly bald heads etc. Female bald heads should start coming into fashion some day too.

Anyway, point is one sees change in nature. I was going to say people are smarter than they were, but then I would have to be calling Socrates and da Vinci dumb. Or Romans whose law we still use. Or the Arabs that were mathematical geniuses aeons ago. Chinese, etc.

I will go with attractive then.

That is my idea of evolution. The other Darwinian stuff, well, I am surprised people still deliberate about it much less go on youtube to yell at God and the Church.

As for the rough ride. You know, some of us are trying to think positively about the future here!

Animals, humans, are able to adapt. I wont stand upon a street corner and yell out for or against evolution.

I always think of the film "Time Bandits" where near the end God finally retrieves the map. He says, "Well, I had better get back, before they all start putting everything down to evolution".

God may not jump up in front of everyone and say "Here I am" Actually, if He did, people would then say God doesn't exist. They would simply call Him an alien.

There are little pointers though. "Seek and you will find". God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Three in one.

We live on the third rock from the sun.

The bible talks of the seven spirits of God. 7 is another number that recurs throughout the bible and nature. His nature is to protect.

We have water, an atmosphere, huge Jupiter deflecting meteors that would have obliterated life on Earth long ago otherwise.
The sun gives light and warmth, promoting life.

Numbers like 10, 8, 40, 12, 7 all crop up throughout human history.

There are so many little signs along the way.

It is just that people willfully are ignorant. They deliberately choose to disobey, knowing full well that there is God and that he has been trying to reach out to them for so long.

Funny thing is, Satanists believe in God. The devils believe, and they tremble.

When God returns, and He will return, His wrath will be such that even the righteous will fear.

The deception is so great and becoming more so, to the extent that, if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived.

One needs to look, to believe, to have faith. It doesn't take much.

There are such wonderful things in creation. Leaves that form from seemingly dead twigs. Flowers that bloom out of nothing. Butterflies that appear. If you open the cocoon, it is empty inside.

I have seen the sick healed, the dead are raised.

I do wish this evolution were not made such an issue, so one could be free to realise the greater truths.

Children need to be taught science and math, no doubt. The Universe is full of the most amazing mysteries. Quasars, pulsars, muons, laws that stagger the imagination and defy logic. Infinitesimally tiny electrons that still have a gravitational pull. Mindboggling.
My own understanding of 'evolution' is just that people have the capacity to change. They are more beautiful now than they were before. Although men seem to like looking like ugly brutes with their bald or nearly bald heads etc. Female bald heads should start coming into fashion some day too.

Anyway, point is one sees change in nature. I was going to say people are smarter than they were, but then I would have to be calling Socrates and da Vinci dumb. Or Romans whose law we still use. Or the Arabs that were mathematical geniuses aeons ago. Chinese, etc.

I will go with attractive then.

That is my idea of evolution. The other Darwinian stuff, well, I am surprised people still deliberate about it much less go on youtube to yell at God and the Church.

As for the rough ride. You know, some of us are trying to think positively about the future here!

Animals, humans, are able to adapt. I wont stand upon a street corner and yell out for or against evolution.

I always think of the film "Time Bandits" where near the end God finally retrieves the map. He says, "Well, I had better get back, before they all start putting everything down to evolution".

God may not jump up in front of everyone and say "Here I am" Actually, if He did, people would then say God doesn't exist. They would simply call Him an alien.

There are little pointers though. "Seek and you will find". God is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Three in one.

We live on the third rock from the sun.

The bible talks of the seven spirits of God. 7 is another number that recurs throughout the bible and nature. His nature is to protect.

We have water, an atmosphere, huge Jupiter deflecting meteors that would have obliterated life on Earth long ago otherwise.
The sun gives light and warmth, promoting life.

Numbers like 10, 8, 40, 12, 7 all crop up throughout human history.

There are so many little signs along the way.
It is just that people willfully are ignorant. They deliberately choose to disobey, knowing full well that there is God and that he has been trying to reach out to them for so long.

Funny thing is, Satanists believe in God. The devils believe, and they tremble.

When God returns, and He will return, His wrath will be such that even the righteous will fear.

The deception is so great and becoming more so, to the extent that, if it were possible, even the elect would be deceived.

One needs to look, to believe, to have faith. It doesn't take much.

There are such wonderful things in creation. Leaves that form from seemingly dead twigs. Flowers that bloom out of nothing. Butterflies that appear. If you open the cocoon, it is empty inside.

I have seen the sick healed, the dead are raised.

I do wish this evolution were not made such an issue, so one could be free to realise the greater truths.

Children need to be taught science and math, no doubt. The Universe is full of the most amazing mysteries. Quasars, pulsars, muons, laws that stagger the imagination and defy logic. Infinitesimally tiny electrons that still have a gravitational pull. Mindboggling.

Those signs are being human and just the enjoyment of family or friends or living life in general.

I dont belive in Satan or God's coming wrath.

I wish relegion was not made such as issue. Humans do well enough day to day creating their own demise.

Truley incrediable things and beautiful discovered through science and mans devotion to searching the universe with current means of technology.

I am a secular humanist and see life for what it is, I dont need a higher direction to guide me.
The problem with religion continues to be ...

I'm a Catholic Christian and I have to say that there is no way that you can rule out the theory of evolution. I know people personally that believe that the Earth is a few thousands of years old. I mean they have scientific research that have found bones that date back Millions of years.
Seems crazy to me.
The problem with religion continues to be that people read things literally, instead of recognizing the obviousness of the truth in the messages.

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Postal Paranoiac
He sounds a lot like a serious George Carlin. To be fair, BOTH beliefs are still only "theories."

Will E Worm

That’s just idiotic. The word “Catholic” is derived from Greek meaning “universal”. Meaning that the Church is universal.

So Baptists aren’t Christians because they are called Baptists? What about Presbyterians? Methodists? Or better yet, Lutherans, do you think that means they worship Martin Luther?

The church isn't "universal." People that follow Christ can't be yoked up with people that worship idols or moon gods like the Muslims worship.

Depends on which Baptists you're talking about. Some are only Christians in name. The other Baptists actually worship Christ. ;)

Scientists have never claimed to know for sure how it all started.

Then why do schools teach the big bang and evolution as facts?
They have to either admit they don't know and stop teaching it in schools or
admit they are liars.

I remember. I had a very bad day wich is why I reacted the way I did. It happens to the best of us.

Hmmm, sound high-minded. ;) :tongue:

English itsn't mai naijtif languash so from taim to taim Ai'm going to maik some slepping misteaks :D

If god wasn't created god can't exist.

Take an English class and no God wasn't created.
Then why do schools teach the big bang and evolution as facts?
They have to either admit they don't know and stop teaching it in schools or
admit they are liars.

Good point. I'm sick of everyone talking about evolution as if it were a fact. Its still the "theory" of evolution people, which means its still an idea. There are waaay to many holes in evolution for me to buy into it. We're supposed to be related to monkeys and gorillas, right? Well how is it that they're still up and walking around and none of the "supposed" missing links are? Where are all of the bones? There should be tons of them, because it would take hundreds of variations to get from a gorilla to a man. Also, most of the fossils we have found of "missing links" have been disproven...but that always seems to get swept under the rug.

Why aren't we still evolving? I think it would be pretty cool to have wings, but I just don't see it happening....in 2 million years or ever for that matter. What did horses, elephants and whales evolve from? Where are all of the fossils of the missing links for these and all the other animals? With what did the first cell capable of sexual reproduction reproduce.

Its going to take alot more than a fossil of a 47 million year old dinosaur with what looks kinda sorta maybe like it has a similar foot bone to a human (yes, I'm referring to Ida) to convince me of evolution.

And thats another thing that pisses me off. Ida is 47 million years old. They don't say Ida might be 47 million years old because we know for a fact because we were here. Oh, wait, no we weren't....but we carbon dated her. Carbon dating is a measuring tool we use to compare how old something is. We'll just compare how old her fossil is to the oldest rock we can find which is how old again? Oh that's right, we don't really know because we don't even know how old the earth is so we don't really have a number to measure it by. Eh, we'll just make up a number :1orglaugh
We didn't evolve from Gorillas. We are related because we both have a common ancestor. Primates, The Great Apes, & Homo Sapiens are all different branches of the same tree.

We do not need to evolve further. We have reached a stage where we control our environment.

Oh, & Ida is not a dinosaur!

As for evolution being a theory, well it is i suppose but backed by substantial evidence. Whereas religion isn't a theory at all & there is no evidence! So to be honest the two opposing camps will never agree. One can never convince the other.
I love it when people throw around this "its just a theory" nonsense.Everything in science is a theory.Its the theory of gravity,a well proven theory just like evolution but still a theory.A lot of pain staking research and observation and experimenting goes into the evidence that backs up such theorys.

But as mrtrebus said believers are probably not going to have their minds changed in spite of all the science,thats why they call it faith.:bowdown:

Oh and let me add I think man will adapt and evolve further,if we last long enough.Great old Outer limits episode called "the sixth finger" was about a man put into a machine that made him the man of the future.He had a sixth finger which had developed from adaptation from all the "keying" and computers man had.Thats very plausible IMO.

And we see adapatation in nature all the time.No doubt evolution is real IMO.
And I know what you're going to say because I've heard religious people say it many times before, god has always been here since the beginning of time. The one thing you're conveniently forgetting is that something that was never created cannot exist. And that's the beauty (or stupidity) of religion isn't it, you can say whatever you want and claim it to be true because there's no way to prove or disprove it. But you know what Will E, if you need some imaginary being with superpowers to help you cope with everyday life because you're not strong enough to do it on your own, that's alright. Afterall, the world needs weakminded people like you to help remind the rest of us we're stronger than you ;)

I remember I used to question how there could be a being that was never born and never died. I thought it was kind of silly because everything has to have a beginning and end right? Wrong. The universe is a great example. Where does it begin and where does it end? It has to end somewhere, right? Well, if it does end, what's on the other side? When that ends, what's on the other side of that? You get the idea.
Or maybe we just don't know? Unlike religion science does not try to just make up answers.Again take gravity it was once totally unknown about.

Why do men/religions insist on having some answer to everything,whether it has evidence to back it up or not?

Were smart rats or monkeys or crocodiles (take your pick lol) but we still don't know everything and never will.