WOAH WOAH WOAH!! Everyone needs to stop with the dissin of my UGGS! (Okay well im poor so I don't really have the 200 dollar actual UGGs but the 20 dollar wal mart knock offs) But still! UGGS are super cute and SUPER comfy! Its like walking around in big slippers all day. I agree that there are definitely times when people should NOT wear them, like with their sweatpants because well that's just retarded. But over a pair of skinny jeans or leggings they are the cutest! I am a boot fanatic! (not just uggs but any kind of boot) I have a pair of Ed Hardy snow boots that are superrrrrrr cute!

I also have tons of high heel boots, you know the kind that go up to your thigh. Boots are my obsession. Oh I'd also like to add that im not really fond of the ugg boots with fur on the outside, I like ones like these