Help figuring out who a girl is

I need help figuring out who someone is, only problem is, I don't know much other than she was in a movie with Buck Adams in the mid 90s and she was a blonde with straight long hair and bangs, and had large boobs. I think it could be Savannah, but I can't find a movie that matches the scenes. They went roughly as follows:

Scene 1: Buck Adams and the unknown blonde. After sex she gets up and runs out. She shows up later to talk to him and I think she was doing cocaine? Maybe?
Scene 2: Unknown blonde shows up at a house with two people messing around on the floor. She was wearing a green skirt and a white shirt with a black blouse I believe. She joins in and is eaten out by the female who was a brunette while she talks to the guy.
Scene 3ish: There was a threesome in a jail cell where the unknown blonde and two other woman start eating each other out. Ends in a daisy chain. The other women were: a blonde with shorter curlier blonde hair and a brunette I think.
Scene 4ish/Last scene: Unknown blonde meets up with Buck Adams again and they have sex.

I'm sorry I don't have a very good description. This is completely off of memory. The movie was from maybe 94-97. Buck Adams had a black leather jacket on a lot in it. It was on the Spice channel lol, sure that doesn't help any. Any help or a push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the description once again. Thank you.
I did try that a few times, just those movies don't quite match what i remember. It could be someone other than Savannah. I know it was a blonde with long straight hair, bangs, big boobs, and she was with Buck Adams twice in the movie, and had a threeway lesbian scene towards the end. Real descriptive i know.