Helicopter Game


266 and then I gave up


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
418, gave up.

Not to complain at this game.. or the topic creators.. but why are shockwave games all twitchy action types?

Anybody got some good shockwave wargames? Turn based, move this here, shoot this there... like that game for the gameboy advance.. advance war? I think?
Best I ever did on that game was around 3000. Can't recall the exact number or time. Needless to say the game gets annoying after about 10 crashes.
i remember seeing this game a while ago and it goes to show you do not need fancy graphics to have addictive gameplay
Oh, 570 and that's about as high a score as I can get. I'm no good at this, obviously. ;)

This does remind me of all those classic Commodore games from the 80's though!