I'm pretty sure they are natural
They are. She's been a big girl, chestwise, ever since she was jailbait.
Maybe it's the other way around - the first pic was photoshopped?
The photo appears in the magazine
in print i.e. not online scans that can be manipulated, with the hint of nipple intact.
Take away for a second that it's a whole lot easier to digitally airbrush out a nipple than add one,
and the fact that adding a bit of nipple to a pic like that is completely pointless - I feel the need to point out that if the magazine printed a pic of Hels Bels with a (LOL) digitally added nipple,
or even a pic with a sight of nipple she wasn't comfortable with, then that would be it for them having chance to shoot her again.
In other words, the nipple is real, the photo is real, and Helen was happy for it to be published.