Heather Hooters!

I refuse to let this little tibute to Heather die. Thankyou to all who have contributed to this thread. She is a women I have been enamored of for quite a long time. I am not ashamed to say I have spilled countless loads for her. I have even gone for seconds and thirds on occasion because she is such an incredibly gorgeous MILF. There seems to be nowhere on the web I can express my appreciation for her so this will have to do.

Heather, I love you.
I love Heather Hooters....met her at a club back in the late 90's a coupla times and she was amazing. Such a sweet girl too. I think I still have a little autographed pic of her floating around here somewhere.


  • Lovely Heather 01.JPG
    Lovely Heather 01.JPG
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Re: I love Heather Hooters

She makes me weak and vulnerable.

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I've just seen her latest pics on Photoclubs. My god! When she cups her breasts like that I just lose it.
If there are constant updates on her Photoclub page then does that mean she is still working?
Re: I love Heather Hooters

I have just blown another very big load for this amazing women. She is a very special lady. I am in love.