Healthcare Profits


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
No it's a list of the highest paid CEO's of 2008. yes companies are now gone, but these are the highest paid CEO's in American last year. We have to wait till jan 10 to get 09's list.

None of those other companies make their living from capitalizing on human suffering.


None of those other companies make their living from capitalizing on human suffering.

David C Novak, Yum Brands. Even eaten at taco Bell? it WILL make you suffer.:nanner:
the goverment runs the Post office it lost 8 billion dollars last year, the SS had lost or been defrauded out of 200 billion dollars last year. Gov only does the millitary well

Shhh.... don't confuse people with facts... the Feds can fix everything! They will just keep raising taxes and operating a huge deficit until our entire economy collapses. ;)


The goverment can't efficently run the post office, the school syste,. or the DMV. It can't police our borders properly, it failed to prevent the S&L crisis, 9/11, dot-com bubble, the housing collapse, and the credit crisis. Its IRS created a fully incomprehensible 78,000 page tax code and its Congress writes bills so long that no one has time to read them-but I should still trust it to run health care?

I think I'll pass.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The goverment can't efficently run the post office, the school syste,. or the DMV. It can't police our borders properly, it failed to prevent the S&L crisis, 9/11, dot-com bubble, the housing collapse, and the credit crisis. Its IRS created a fully incomprehensible 78,000 page tax code and its Congress writes bills so long that no one has time to read them-but I should still trust it to run health care?

Because Medicare works maybe?

This argument is getting so tired here because everybody who is a regular poster on this board knows where everybody else stands on this. No one is going to change their minds at this point. Why you would want to deny those Americans who are without the capability to have adequate health care coverage to be provided for in such a regard is beyond me. No one is going to force you to sign up for government-run health coverage. Keep your private insurance coverage if you want to (whether it be really good or really shitty like mine is) but give the rest of us a public option that will, at worst, keep the health insurance companies reasonably honest. Without it, there is no real health care reform nor is there an answer to the problem of almost 50 million American CITIZENS without any health care coverage at all. Maybe you don't give a shit....I don't know. :dunno: Sure seems that way. I have yet to see anyone on this board who opposes health care reform present a reasonable answer to address the problem or show any concern or compassion for those who are in that unfortunate position. All you (not picking on you in particular, Jason....I'm equating you to those like-minded) seem concerned about is what it will cost you and the possibility that people like illegal aliens (ain't gonna happen no matter what Joe Wilson or others like him say) or unfortunate, indigent or unemployed Americans might be able to have an opportunity to stay healthy on your nickel. If you don't care about those people (NOT illegals!) then I think it says more about you and others like you than it does about anything else regarding this whole issue.

It might not matter (I'd bet money that it doesn't) to anyone else on this board but this is the last post I intend to make about this subject. Fucking sick and tired of beating my head against a wall. The lines have been drawn, the options have been presented and we'll see what congress does with it. I fervently hope that they have the guts and courage to give every American citizen the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and that they will enact the appropriate legislation to make sure that they uphold their solemn constitutional obligation to "provide for the general welfare" by passing a legitimate and genuine health care reform law that will guarantee the right for all of us to be cared for when we are ill and are in genuine need of medical help from our fellow Americans.

OK....I'm done now. Thanks for listening....even if you don't really hear me.
The goverment can't efficently run the post office, the school syste,. or the DMV. It can't police our borders properly, it failed to prevent the S&L crisis, 9/11, dot-com bubble, the housing collapse, and the credit crisis. Its IRS created a fully incomprehensible 78,000 page tax code and its Congress writes bills so long that no one has time to read them-but I should still trust it to run health care?

I think I'll pass.

1. The U.S. Post Office was started in 1775 by Ben Franklin. Back in 1775 the U.S. population was what.....maybe 500,000? We are now a nation of 350Million+ and yet we all get our mail faster than what Ben Franklin ever imagined. When was the last time anyone lost a letter? There is nothing stopping Fedex or UPS from offering a mail like letter service. Email and high gas prices are why the Post Office faces budget deficits.

2. The future of a nation rests with an educated populace. An uneducated populace will either be taken over by another country or wipe itself out by some means (the Big OOPS). Home schooling is basically an excuse for religious indoctrination. Home schooling is not realistic for 99.9% of parents/families in this nation. Paying private companies to teach children will usher in nothing but misery and contempt as companies nickel and dime parents and cut costs by "standardizing education" even more than it is now.

3. Like education, we have to ensure that our citizens are not dumbshits who climb behind the wheel of a 3000lb weapon. If we install more public transportation we can lessen the need for a DMV:thumbsup:

4. I don't think you want to pony up the necessary funds to police our borders effectively. Do you want to live in a country with some kind of fence around the entire perimeter? What about "land of the free and home of the brave" :dunno: Corporations are the reason we have undocumented workers. If corporations valued the American worker, and paid a living wage, we'd have people working in the fields and on the packing lines, slaughterhouses, etc. How many undocumented workers work for the Gov't, by the way? I only know of the military enlisting undocumented people to join the services.

5. 9/11 -- we had the Intel about 9/11. We didn't act in time. We also did stupid things like let undocumented people take flying lessons. We need to be a lot smarter in a lot of ways.

6. The IRS is a necessary component in our lives. I do agree that the tax code, like the Constitution, needs a 21st Century overhaul...Tax revenues are needed to fund a whole lot of things that we take for granted. Removing gov't and installing a Legion of Halliburtons to take over Gov't functions will be more costly and create more misery for everyone. Boy Halliburton and Blackwater have done such a peach of a job in the Middle East, eh? Imagine if Halliburton ran the Post Office? Or if Blackwater replaced the Border Patrol. :eek:
the goverment runs the Post office it lost 8 billion dollars last year, the SS had lost or been defrauded out of 200 billion dollars last year. Gov only does the millitary well

That's deceptive. All those things aren't really businesses at all, and shouldn't be treated as one as far as profit goes. They are essentially needed public services provided and subsidized by the government. It doesn’t make any more sense to think what you said than to think the government doesn't do a good job just because the police, fire departments, or the military, don't make a profit. Now, it is good to mitigate waste and give people the treatment without making anything worse, but if a business really took over the post office or SS what would really happen in that case isn't that it wouldn't get better for people. They're profit margins would get better, probably, but what would really happen is that it would either be a lot more expensive for people which would be bad considering it is a needed public service or it wouldn't be available to some of them at all. Could you image if your house was on fire or somebody was trying to rob you and when the police or fire departments came to your house they told you, “Well you and your neighbors are a little behind in your protection payments so we are just going to sit here and watch you die or let your neighborhood burn down unless you can quickly get us the money so we don’t run in the red this quarter for saving you. Maybe if the trouble gets to a more affluent part of town we might do something.”

As far as insurance companies part of what needs to be kept in mind is that their profits are down do to the cost of health care, (Which the government needs to regulate by taking control of medicine, but gosh can't think about that now can we. :rolleyes:) and yet mysteriously all the insurers don’t' seem to make that much of an effort to try to get all their partners in the medical business to rain in their cost. Secondly, insurance is one of those things that isn't a necessity of life until it's needed. I wonder how much their profits are down do to people just not being able to get it or just choosing to go without because they can't afford it anymore. Every time that happens the insurance companies get nothing.

For the time the insurance companies do make a profit. If our health and well being as a nation is at state why should we have to pay somebody to make a profit at all when something is so needed and is a virtual human right. There is no sense not to run a non-profit government system for the betterment of everybody.


^Car insurance is a needed public service and yet the companies make a profit off it

I don;t understand why we can buy car insurance and life insurance across state lines but not health insurance.
^Car insurance is a needed public service and yet the companies make a profit off it

I don;t understand why we can buy car insurance and life insurance across state lines but not health insurance.

Because some of the Dems are trying to buy votes with our money... it's as simple as that.

There are MANY reforms they could legislate that we know work, like you said, more competition across state lines, tort reform, etc. But this is solidifying a base for the Democratic party that will not only keep they voting for the Dems, but also put them completely under the control of the Federal government. At the same time, they get to "redistribute" the wealth of those already paying for their own insurance. It's a win-win if you subscribe to modern liberalism...


So much for bipartisanship politics when the DemoCraps lock out the Republicans on the whole health care package. And the DemoCraps STILL can't get a bill signed. Harry Reid and his opout program, fail. States will NOT op out mainly because the goverment will make it so hard to do so.

If we can buy life and car insurance across state line, we should be permitted to buy health insurance across state lines, competition is GOOD for the economy.
^Car insurance is a needed public service and yet the companies make a profit off it

I don;t understand why we can buy car insurance and life insurance across state lines but not health insurance.

Who says Car Insurance is needed? Ah yes, the Car Insurance companies. A Driver's License is needed, but Car Insurance is not. Car Insurance is just a "false security net." It would be cheaper for all of us if we didn't have to have car insurance. If we eliminated car insurance, we could have more money for better roads, many people would have more money to keep their cars "in shape" rather than drive around in rusty, smoke-belching shitcans like they do today...

And if we banned cellphones/texting from driver's we'd cut down on a ton of accidents today.
Who says Car Insurance is needed? Ah yes, the Car Insurance companies. A Driver's License is needed, but Car Insurance is not. Car Insurance is just a "false security net." It would be cheaper for all of us if we didn't have to have car insurance. If we eliminated car insurance, we could have more money for better roads, many people would have more money to keep their cars "in shape" rather than drive around in rusty, smoke-belching shitcans like they do today...

And if we banned cellphones/texting from driver's we'd cut down on a ton of accidents today.

The other difference is owning a car is not an absolute neccesity or should be a right unlike being able to see a doctor and having health insurance should be.

Also on this competetion idea and being able to buy insurance accross state lines.It's the insurance companies who don't want that.They have an anti-trust exemption from the govt.They are into price fixing and not looking to compete with each other.Thats why a public option would be helpfull.Still would not solve the problem of how inefficent having so many companies involved is but it would at least bring some real competetion to these companies.


Who says Car Insurance is needed? Ah yes, the Car Insurance companies. A Driver's License is needed, but Car Insurance is not. Car Insurance is just a "false security net." It would be cheaper for all of us if we didn't have to have car insurance. If we eliminated car insurance, we could have more money for better roads, many people would have more money to keep their cars "in shape" rather than drive around in rusty, smoke-belching shitcans like they do today...

And if we banned cellphones/texting from driver's we'd cut down on a ton of accidents today.

Do you have car insurance? if it's not needed then git rid of yours and see what happens when you get into an accident. Its a law for a reason, primary use is to provide protection against losses incurred as a result of traffic accidents and against liability that could be incurred in an accident.

The reason is that when you drive without insurance, you are not only a threat to yourself, but you’re also a threat to your fellow motorists. We Americans tolerate the bad decisions of our fellow countrymen, so long as they don’t have an impact on our lives.

Some random person that is unable to get health coverange is not going to harm my life. A driver without auto insurance can harm my life.


So if health care is needed, although people under 30 disagree and usually don't have it, why can't we go across state lines to get a more afordable plan?

Because the insurance companies don't want that lol.They are fine with having certain states having no choice and one insurance company.If they really wanted to get into a price war they could easily even with the current system.Just open an office in the states your not in and go after the other guys customers.

Just as the only republican who was sorta open to the reform package (Snowe) in the senate wanted.She wanted a plan that said a public option would kick in when there was no competetion in the private sector.Don't expect the private guys to start really competing and hurting each others profits I think.

And the other problem is that in many cases these insurance companies as I have said are very ineficent with their adminstrative costs and overhead so more competetion would not neccesarily do anything about that.They also are too small to have real power to dictate cost controls on doctors and hospitals in most cases.

That link I put up on how we waste 800 billion a year in our system gets into all that.