havin some problems??

me and my girlfriend were in my bed gettin ready to have sex but i wents soft right before and couldnt get it up for about an hour. we then had sex but it was emarrasing that i couldnt get it up. how can i prevent this from happening again?


What do you mean that you went soft ? Did she give you oral or something before and you "ejacked" then ? or . .:confused:

The ol trick is to loose the first one of the night (on your own :() then you won't premature during the bj .

Does she continue to turn you on ?

If not, there's really no need to be embarrassed, right ?

Now, OTOH, if she does turn you on and you continue with the "limpedness", I'd see a doc, bro. They'll fix you up.


Closed Account
I would not worry about not less it happens a lot if so maybe see a doctor.

It happens to the best of us.


na see the thing is i was up all nite until we were about to fuck. it was also my first time too so i was alil nervous.

Then get kind of liquored up first !! :hatsoff:

Not slobbering drunk, mind you . . . but try that matey !!:thumbsup:

Don't fail us bro ! You are a heterosexual male now, right ? lol


Closed Account
No two people are alike. This type issue is a person to person, case to case thing. Besides, it may never happen again.:dunno:

Nobody can honestly answer you, sorry. Your age, level of tiredness at the time, what you ate, things troubling you in your life, your health. Moon in the 7th house, sometimes things just happen. Any of these or any number of other factors could have caused it.

If it continues, then see your Dr. that's the only one that can truly help you.

Next time you have sex, or try to, imagine that is not her but it is Hillary Clinton. If that doesn't work, we can have Tiffany Minx meet up with you.
Sounds to me like you just got the first time jitters.
It's normal. It happened to me the first time I had sex and I've heard the same from other guys too.
Sometimes I feel like I've stumbled into an 8th grade health class.


knows petras secret: she farted.
dont drink any alcohol for the love of god. also, try not to think about it. just try to let things go naturally. if i are in bed concentrating on your cock, its not gonna work out good for you. concentrate on her and everything will work out. its mental, mate.