me and my girlfriend were in my bed gettin ready to have sex but i wents soft right before and couldnt get it up for about an hour. we then had sex but it was emarrasing that i couldnt get it up. how can i prevent this from happening again?
na see the thing is i was up all nite until we were about to fuck. it was also my first time too so i was alil nervous.
Sometimes I feel like I've stumbled into an 8th grade health class.
Sometimes I feel like I've stumbled into an 8th grade health class.
Popsicle sticks and duct tape work for me.
Popsicle sticks and duct tape work for me.
That's the reason right there bro....first time jitters. Happened to me over it though. Don't sweat see the thing is i was up all nite until we were about to fuck. it was also my first time too so i was alil nervous.