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I did. And all I say is:
Go. See it.
Go. See it.
At the moment I fear from now on every single episode could be to short for me.I havn't, honestly I'm afraid its gonna be too different from the show and ruin one of the few things I enjoy on TV. I hope the movie is worthy of the show.
I haven't yet, but I have hopes that I will.
Of course, I STILL haven't seen Clerks 2. :helpme:
I dont plan on watching it at all. Checked out a fiew cliips on youtube and didnt find any of it funny. I dont like how the show has been going for the last season and a half.
Season 19 will kick off in September...A co-worker of mine, said that there won't be any more new SImpsons episodes and that the movie is the last thing for the simpsons ever.
Does anyone know if this is true or not?
How are those clips supposed to be funny?I dont plan on watching it at all. Checked out a fiew cliips on youtube and didnt find any of it funny.