Have You Heard the Hum?

Dunno if this has been a topic before, I heard about it on the News the other night. The strange thing is, until I saw it on the News I thought it was just me :1orglaugh I've heard 'the hum' about 2/3am some mornings, like a very distant drone that you have to really concentrate on to hear.......its weird!
I'm very sensitive to noise, my alarm clock mains hum can be almost unbearable at times. I've never heard the hum though
No hum. Once in a while I get a vague ringing noise though, but from what I've heard that's either because you've been exposes to high volumes or because of the vein's blood flow.
I remember hearing about this like maybe over ten years ago on 20/20. They interviewed people who heared the hum and basically went crazy and moved out into the middle of nowhere to see if they could get away from it.


Interesting, I thought it was just in my imagination...
I remember hearing about this like maybe over ten years ago on 20/20. They interviewed people who heared the hum and basically went crazy and moved out into the middle of nowhere to see if they could get away from it.

Yeah, I think Unsolved Mysteries did a segment on this as well.