I had anal sex with a girl a couple times and I don't understand what the big deal is. She was a hot little chick with an amazing ass, but I gotta say...anal sex in that ass kind of sucked. I mean the sphincter clamping down on my shaft was the only sensation. So why do you do it and why do you enjoy it,men and woman?
actually just last night, at right about this time.
and with one of the nicest most perfect, tightest,roundest curviest raised up asses i've ever seen in my life.
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ImageShack.uswhy did i do it? because thats what an ass like that was made for, and because she lets me.
why did i enjoy it? because it felt great on my dick and because she was carrying on like a maniac.
that plus hormones, can't count them out.
i know you were sincere in your query, but really, fucking a sexy woman with a great ass in the ass, why would one even need to ask the question why?