no ...stepped on a bee and had it sting you?
L lurkingdirk Nov 7, 2009 #4,184 yes, actually. quite nice. ...gone home to poop because you didn't want to stink up the office?
TnA_Addiction Closed Account Nov 8, 2009 #4,186 no, I only buy when I've got endz... Ever have a one night stand, then then sleep with the room mate the next day?
no, I only buy when I've got endz... Ever have a one night stand, then then sleep with the room mate the next day?
Horny Devil Nov 8, 2009 #4,189 No but I've had a contact buzz at a concert ...wondered if lurkingdirk is actually lurking?
L lurkingdirk Nov 8, 2009 #4,190 no. i know my lurking self. i lurk. baby, it's the one thing i'm good at. ...watched television outside?
no. i know my lurking self. i lurk. baby, it's the one thing i'm good at. ...watched television outside?
L lurkingdirk Nov 8, 2009 #4,192 oh, yes. every Chance i get! ...farted when you were with someone you weren't sure would appreciate it?
oh, yes. every Chance i get! ...farted when you were with someone you weren't sure would appreciate it?
Wainkerr99 Closed Account Nov 8, 2009 #4,196 Yes. held your pee in as long as humanly possible before finally grumpily going to the toilet?
Korastiz Nov 9, 2009 #4,198 Yep, a few ..Blown way too much money in Vegas and wondered what the hell you were thinking after?