Have you ever.............


drove off with your coffee on the roof of your car.

had a conversation with someone who knew you, but you had no idea who they were?

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
hahah like every day

Asked someone if it was a boy or girl (or how far along they were) and they really weren't even pregnant?

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Yes it was 14 to come to Korea

Eaten a whole tub of ice cream by yourself in one sitting?
Once... and never again.. I felt terrible.

Had sex with someone twice your age (at the time you had sex, not your current age)?

Ever streaked in public?

Ever sniffed a woman's panties?
yes when I was16 I got an apartment on my own.Have you ever had a female pee on your cock?;)
A thread in talk and one members answer gave me the idea for this.

Answer the last left "Have you ever...........?" and leave one for the next player.

Example Have you ever...

Wanted to run away from home?

Yes, when I was a teen and I did.

Next player.

Have you ever eaten raw meat?
Don't forget to leave one after answering.

(Sorry ahead of time if a repeat game I'm tired, long weekend lol)
