Once, my hair. Have you ever wanted to own a Red Ferrari?
L3ggy Special Operations FOX-HOUND Feb 14, 2008 #1,101 Once, my hair. Have you ever wanted to own a Red Ferrari?
member006 Closed Account Feb 14, 2008 #1,102 No not at all. Have you ever swung out on a Tarzan swing from a tree and fell of into the water?
member006 Closed Account Feb 15, 2008 #1,109 I have to say NO! lmao Have you ever wanted in the moment to just bust out in song like a movie musical ?
I have to say NO! lmao Have you ever wanted in the moment to just bust out in song like a movie musical ?
McNab Feb 15, 2008 #1,110 Yep (and have) Have you ever watched a movie spin-off, then watched the TV show it was based on?
slowhand Closed Account Feb 15, 2008 #1,113 yes when I was younger but shhhh. Have you ever caught a snake?
slowhand Closed Account Feb 15, 2008 #1,115 Yes once at a party not a good thing lol. Have you ever got your car stuck in mud?
B BlueBalls Dead Feb 15, 2008 #1,116 No, but i once got stuck in mud Have you ever fought off a pack of hungry dogs
member006 Closed Account Feb 15, 2008 #1,117 I don't know if they were hungry, but I jumped a fence once as a child and jumped back REAL fast. lol Have you ever eaten snail?
I don't know if they were hungry, but I jumped a fence once as a child and jumped back REAL fast. lol Have you ever eaten snail?
member006 Closed Account Feb 15, 2008 #1,119 No, but we ran over one that had just been hit and the smell got on us, to say nothing of the car. It stunk for months. Have you ever had hives?
No, but we ran over one that had just been hit and the smell got on us, to say nothing of the car. It stunk for months. Have you ever had hives?
slowhand Closed Account Feb 15, 2008 #1,120 yes but its been a long time ago. Have you ever seen a magic show?